首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Wildlife Management >Evaluating Habitat Suitability Models for Nesting White-Headed Woodpeckers in Unburned Forest

Evaluating Habitat Suitability Models for Nesting White-Headed Woodpeckers in Unburned Forest


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Habitat suitability models can provide guidelines for species conservation by predicting where species of interest are likely to occur. Presence-only models are widely used but typically provide only relative indices of habitat suitability (HSIs), necessitating rigorous evaluation often using independently collected presence-absence data. We refined and evaluated presence-only habitat suitability models for nesting white-headed woodpeckers (Picoides albolarvatus), a narrowly distributed species of conservation concern that occupies dry conifer forests of the Inland Pacific Northwest, USA. We developed 2 models using Mahalanobis D-2 and Maxent techniques from nest location datasets collected on the eastside of the Cascade Mountain Range, Oregon (1 dataset in 1997-2004 and another, sampling a broader spatial extent, in 2010-2011). Consistent with known ecology of white-headed woodpeckers, both HSI models related positively with percent ponderosa pine, moderate levels of canopy cover (approx. 40%), and moderate-to-high levels of heterogeneity in forest structure. Unlike Mahalanobis HSIs, however, Maxent HSIs were consistently and positively related with nest prevalence and positively related with habitat use estimated with independent point count data. Locations with high Maxent HSIs were characterized by canopy openings adjacent to closed canopy forests. The fact that this habitat feature was described by Maxent HSIs but not by Mahalanobis HSIs possibly explains why Maxent HSIs better predicted white-headed woodpecker occurrence. Additionally, we used presence-absence data for model evaluation that sampled a broader spatial extent than nest surveys and therefore allowed us to demonstrate the generality of Maxent HSIs. Additional nest location data collected across a broader portion of the species range would be valuable for further model improvement and evaluation, but until such data are available, we recommend use of Maxent HSIs to guide habitat conservation and restoration efforts in unburned dry forests of Oregon. Published 2014. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.
机译:生境适应性模型可通过预测可能在何处出现感兴趣物种来为物种保护提供指导。仅在场模型被广泛使用,但通常仅提供栖息地适宜性(HSI)的相对指数,因此经常需要使用独立收集的在场数据来进行严格评估。我们针对嵌套的白头啄木鸟(Picoides albolarvatus)(一种分布在美国内陆西北部的干燥针叶林中,具有稀疏保护意义的物种),完善和评估了仅存在的栖息地适宜性模型。我们使用Mahalanobis D-2和Maxent技术从俄勒冈州喀斯喀特山脉东侧收集的巢穴位置数据集(1997年至2004年为1个数据集,以及2010-2011年为更广泛的空间数据集)开发了2个模型。与已知的白头啄木鸟生态学相一致,这两种HSI模型均与黄松百分比,中度冠层覆盖度(约40%)以及森林结构中度中度到高度呈正相关。但是,与马哈拉诺比斯(Mahalanobis)的恒生指数不同,马克森(Maxent)的恒生指数与巢的患病率一直呈正相关,而与独立点计数数据估计的栖息地使用呈正相关。 Maxent HSI高的地区的特点是与封闭的冠层森林相邻的冠层开口。 Maxent HSI描述了这种栖息地特征,而Mahalanobis HSI却没有描述这种事实,这可能解释了Maxent HSI更好地预测白头啄木鸟发生的原因。此外,我们使用了不存在数据进行模型评估,该数据采样的空间范围比嵌套调查要广,因此可以证明Maxent HSI的普遍性。在更广泛的物种范围内收集更多的巢穴位置数据对于进一步的模型改进和评估将是有价值的,但是在获得此类数据之前,我们建议使用Maxent HSI来指导俄勒冈州未烧干林中的栖息地保护和恢复工作。 2014年出版。本文是美国政府的工作,在美国属于公共领域。



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