首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Wildlife Management >Population dynamics and behavior of bighorn sheep with infectious keratoconjunctivitis.

Population dynamics and behavior of bighorn sheep with infectious keratoconjunctivitis.


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Introduced disease is a major mortality factor in some populations of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). Epizootics of infectious keratoconjunctivitis (IKC) and contagious ecthyma occurred in bighorn sheep in the Silver Bell Mountains of south-central Arizona, USA, from 1 December 2003 to 31 March 2004. Our objectives were to 1) investigate the influence of the epizootic on abundance and demographics and 2) examine how IKC affected the mortality, behavior, and movements of clinically affected animals. Morbidity was 39%, and all sex and age classes were affected. The population declined 23%, with most mortality in the adult female (1 M, 11 F) segment of the population. Of the diseased animals that were marked (n = 27), 44% recovered and 44% died. Predation (50%) and starvation (33%) were the primary causes of mortality of diseased bighorn sheep. Bighorn sheep that were infected spent less time feeding and moved less than noninfected animals during the epizootic. Managers might be able to minimize losses of infected animals through predator control. To minimize losses to starvation, managers should refrain from any activity that disturbs infected animals (including treatment) because disturbances increase energy expenditures and expose infected animals to injury.
机译:在某些大角羊(加拿大羊)中,疾病的引入是主要的死亡因素。 2003年12月1日至2004年3月31日,在美国亚利桑那州中南部的银钟山的大角羊中发生了感染性角结膜炎(IKC)和传染性蜕膜的流行病。我们的目标是1)研究流行病对丰富性的影响和人口统计资料;以及2)研究IKC如何影响受临床影响的动物的死亡率,行为和运动。发病率为39%,所有性别和年龄段均受到影响。人口下降了23%,死亡率最高的是成年女性(1 M,11 F)。在被标记的患病动物(n = 27)中,有44%康复并有44%死亡。捕食(50%)和饥饿(33%)是患病的大角羊死亡的主要原因。在流行期间,被感染的大角羊绵羊的进食时间和活动时间少于未感染的动物。管理者也许可以通过捕食者的控制使感染动物的损失最小化。为了最大程度地减少饥饿造成的损失,管理者应避免进行任何会干扰受感染动物的活动(包括治疗),因为干扰会增加能量消耗并使受感染的动物遭受伤害。



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