首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers >Performances of peanut hull ashes in bleaching water-degummed and alkali-refined soy oil

Performances of peanut hull ashes in bleaching water-degummed and alkali-refined soy oil


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Peanut hull ashes prepared by calcinating ground peanut hull were evaluated as adsorbent for bleaching the water-degummed and alkali-refined soy oil. Their performances in adsorbing peroxides, phospholipids, pigments, β-carotene and free fatty acids in soy oil were compared with those of peanut hull, rice hull ash, activated clay and regenerated clay. Experimental results indicated that the influence of calcination time on the removal efficiency was not clear. Temperature of 500 or 700 °C showed potential as a best calcination temperature for preparing effective adsorbent. On the basis of adsorbing peroxides, phospholipids, pigments, β-carotene and free fatty acids, activated clay and regenerated clay were found to be superior adsorbents except in adsorbing free fatty acids; peanut hull ashes, effective adsorbents; while peanut hull, non-effective one. Further activation on peanut hull ashes is suggested to obtain a better performance while regenerated clay was found to be a good substituent for activated clay.
机译:通过煅烧磨碎的花生壳制备的花生壳灰被评估为漂白脱胶水和碱精制大豆油的吸附剂。比较了它们在花生油中吸附过氧化物,磷脂,色素,β-胡萝卜素和游离脂肪酸的性能,并与花生壳,稻壳灰,活性粘土和再生粘土进行了比较。实验结果表明,煅烧时间对去除效率的影响尚不清楚。 500或700°C的温度显示出作为制备有效吸附剂的最佳煅烧温度的潜力。在吸附过氧化物,磷脂,颜料,β-胡萝卜素和游离脂肪酸的基础上,活性粘土和再生粘土被发现是优良的吸附剂,除了吸附游离脂肪酸外;花生壳骨灰,有效吸附剂;而花生壳,无效之一。建议在花生壳骨灰上进一步活化以获得更好的性能,而再生粘土被发现是活化粘土的良好取代基。



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