首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine >Oral induction of anesthesia with droperidol and transmucosal carfentanilcitrate in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)

Oral induction of anesthesia with droperidol and transmucosal carfentanilcitrate in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)


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Five chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) initially received oral droperidol sedation (1.25 mg for a juvenile chimpanzee, body wt = 18.5 kg, and 2.5 mg for adults, body wt >20 kg, range: 18.5-71 kg) followed by transmucosal carfentanil administration at 2.0 mu g/kg. This preinduction regimen was developed to produce heavy sedation or even light anesthesia in order to eliminate the need for or at least minimize the stress of darting with tiletamine/zolazepam at 3 mg/kg i.m. This study was designed to assess the safety and efficacy of transmucosal carfentanil. Once each animal was unresponsive to external stimuli, or at approximately 25 min (range 24-34 min) after carfentanil administration, naltrexone and tiletamine/zolazepam (N/T/Z) were combined into one intramuscular injection for anesthetic induction. Naltrexone was administered at 100 times the carfentanil dose in milligrams. For comparison, two chimpanzees received only droperidol, 2.5 mg p.o., followed by tiletamine/zolazepam, 3 mg/kg i.m. The preinduction period for all animals receiving carfentanil was characterized as smooth, with chimpanzees becoming gradually less active and less responsive to external stimuli. Two animals became very heavily sedated at 24 and 35 min, respectively, and were hand injected with N/T/Z. The other three chimpanzees became sternally recumbent but retained some response to stimuli, and N/T/Z was administered by remote injection with minimal response. Rectal body temperatures, pulse and respiratory rates, arterial oxygen hemoglobin saturation, and arterial blood gases were measured at initial contact (t = 0 min) and at 10-min intervals thereafter. Respiratory depression was present in all chimpanzees, regardless of protocol. Mean hemoglobin saturation was 91% for both groups. Mean partial pressure of oxygen, arterial values for carfentanil-treated and control animals were 64.4 +/- 7.6 and 63.5 +/- 6.0 at t = 0, respectively. Only the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, arterial (PaCO2) and pH showed significant differences between treated and control animals. Mean Pace, was greater and mean pH lower for the carfentanil-treated group compared with the controls at t = 0 (58.9 +/- 3.7 and 50.3 +/- 3.1 for PaCO2 and 7.33 +/- 0.02 and 7.40 +/- 0.30 for pH, respectively). The results of this study suggest that oral droperidol followed by transmucosal carfentanil can be used effectively as a premedication regimen to produce profound sedation, which limits the stress of darting during parenteral anesthetic induction with tiletamine/zolazepam in chimpanzees. The main side effect of respiratory depression appears to be adequately managed by reversing the carfentanil at the time of induction.
机译:五只黑猩猩(Pan穴居动物)最初接受口服氟哌利多镇静(少年黑猩猩1.25毫克,体重= 18.5千克,成年人2.5毫克,体重> 20千克,范围:18.5-71千克),然后在60 2.0微克/千克。开发这种预诱导方案以产生重度镇静或什至轻度麻醉,从而消除了对以3 mg / kg i.m的瓦坦胺/左唑西am喷丸的需要或至少使其最小化。本研究旨在评估透粘膜卡芬太尼的安全性和有效性。一旦每只动物对外部刺激无反应,或在服用芬太尼后约25分钟(24-34分钟范围内),将纳曲酮和瓦坦胺/左唑西am(N / T / Z)合并为一次肌肉注射,以诱导麻醉。纳曲酮的剂量为克芬太尼剂量的100倍(毫克)。为了比较,两只黑猩猩仅接受2.5mg p.o.的氟哌啶,然后接受3mg / kg i.m.的瓦他明/左唑西am。所有接受卡芬太尼的动物的诱导前期都被认为是平稳的,黑猩猩的活动逐渐减弱,对外界刺激的反应也逐渐减弱。分别在24和35分钟时对两只动物进行了非常重的镇静,并对其进行了N / T / Z手动注射。其他三只黑猩猩胸骨斜卧,但保留了对刺激的一些反应,并且通过远程注射以最小的反应施用N / T / Z。在初次接触时(t = 0分钟)及其后每隔10分钟测量一次直肠的体温,脉搏和呼吸频率,动脉氧血红蛋白饱和度以及动脉血气。无论协议如何,所有黑猩猩都存在呼吸抑制。两组的平均血红蛋白饱和度均为91%。在t = 0时,经过芬太尼治疗和对照的动物的平均氧气分压,动脉值分别为64.4 +/- 7.6和63.5 +/- 6.0。在治疗和对照动物之间,仅二氧化碳,动脉(PaCO2)和pH的分压显示出显着差异。与t = 0时的对照组相比,卡芬太尼治疗组的平均Pace值更大,而平均pH值更低(PaCO2为58.9 +/- 3.7和50.3 +/- 3.1,PaCO2为7.33 +/- 0.02和7.40 +/- 0.30 pH)。这项研究的结果表明,口服氟哌洛尔和透粘膜卡芬太尼可以有效地用作产生深层镇静的前药治疗方案,从而限制了在黑猩猩中用瓦他敏/左唑西am进行肠胃外麻醉诱导的飞镖压力。呼吸抑制的主要副作用似乎可以通过在诱导时逆转卡芬太尼来适当控制。



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