首页> 外文期刊>Journal of general internal medicine >Access to care after Massachusetts' health care reform: A safety net hospital patient survey

Access to care after Massachusetts' health care reform: A safety net hospital patient survey


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BACKGROUND: Massachusetts' health care reform substantially decreased the percentage of uninsured residents. However, less is known about how reform affected access to care, especially according to insurance type. OBJECTIVE: To assess access to care in Massachusetts after implementation of health care reform, based on insurance status and type. DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: We surveyed a convenience sample of 431 patients presenting to the Emergency Department of Massachusetts' second largest safety net hospital between July 25, 2009 and March 20, 2010. MAIN MEASURES: Demographic and clinical characteristics, insurance coverage, measures of access to care and cost-related barriers to care. KEY RESULTS: Patients with Commonwealth Care and Medicaid, the two forms of insurance most often newlyacquired under the reform, reported similar or higher utilization of and access to outpatient visits and rates of having a usual source of care, compared with the privately insured. Compared with the privately insured, a significantly higher proportion of patients with Medicaid or Commonwealth Care Type 1 (minimal cost sharing) reported delaying or not getting dental care (42.2 % vs. 27.1 %) or medication (30.0 % vs. 7.0 %) due to cost; those with Medicaid also experienced costrelated barriers to seeing a specialist (14.6 % vs. 3.5 %) or getting recommended tests (15.6 % vs. 5.9 %). Those with Commonwealth Care Types 2 and 3 (greater cost sharing) reported significantly more costrelated barriers to obtaining care than the privately insured (45.0 % vs. 16.0 %), to seeing a primary care doctor (25.0 % vs. 6.0 %) or dental provider (58.3 % vs. 27.1 %), and to obtaining medication (20.8 % vs. 7.0 %). No differences in cost-related barriers to preventive care were found between the privately and publicly insured. CONCLUSIONS: Access to care improved less than access to insurance following Massachusetts' health care reform. Many newly insured residents obtained Medicaid or state subsidized private insurance; costrelated barriers to access were worse for these patients than for the privately insured.
机译:背景:马萨诸塞州的医疗改革大大降低了未参保居民的比例。但是,人们对改革如何影响获得护理的了解还很少,尤其是根据保险类型。目的:根据医疗保险状况和类型,评估医疗改革实施后在马萨诸塞州获得医疗服务的机会。设计和参与者:我们调查了2009年7月25日至2010年3月20日期间向马萨诸塞州第二大安全网急诊科就诊的431名患者的便利性样本。主要指标:人口统计学和临床​​特征,保险范围,获取措施护理和与费用相关的护理障碍。主要结果:改革中最常新购置的两种保险形式:英联邦医疗和医疗补助,与私人保险相比,其门诊就诊率和获得常规护理的比率更高或更高。与私人保险公司相比,医疗补助或英联邦医疗1类(最低费用分摊)的患者报告称因延误或未获得牙科护理(42.2%vs. 27.1%)或药物治疗(30.0%vs. 7.0%)的比例高得多花费;享受Medicaid的人在寻求专家(14.6%vs. 3.5%)或获得推荐测试(15.6%vs. 5.9%)方面也遇到了与成本相关的障碍。那些拥有2型和3型联邦医疗服务(更大的费用分担)的人报告说,获得成本方面的护理障碍要比私人保险人(分别为45.0%和16.0%),看初级保健医生(25.0%和6.0%)的机会多得多。提供者(58.3%vs. 27.1%),以及获得药物治疗(20.8%vs. 7.0%)。在私人和公共保险公司之间,在预防费用方面与成本相关的障碍没有发现差异。结论:马萨诸塞州的医疗改革后,获得医疗的机会少于获得保险的机会。许多新投保的居民获得了医疗补助或国家补贴的私人保险。这些患者的与费用相关的获取障碍要比私人参保者严重。



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