首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Thermal Biology >Transthoracic sympathectomy and human thermoregulatory problems

Transthoracic sympathectomy and human thermoregulatory problems


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I write to invite you to publish this letter in the Journal of Thermal Biology to bring a health issue to the attention of both medical practitioners and scientists working in human thermoregulation. 1 wish to alert the surgeons involved and potential patients of problems that might be encountered following Endoscopic Trans-thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS). It would also benefit those who now suffer to gain a better understanding of the causes of the thermoregulatory problems experienced following ETS. Surgery: The situation is best illustrated by reference to my own experience. In 2002, I underwent ETS for facial blushing. I regret that I was not made aware of the severity of the procedure, nor of the likelihood of the side effects experienced. The surgery involved electro-cautery on both sides between the first and second ribs. On the left side bleeding and scarring also involved Tier 1 ganglion. One means of establishing the "success" of ETS involves submerging the hands in ice, after which thermography is used to determine the pattern of reheating of the hands. This tends to differ from that of normal people in that they are partially reheated from the fingers, rather than wholly from the main body. Many ETS patients initially experience the sensation of warmer than normal hands, this passes with time to be followed by hands that become colder than normal. Reynauld's disease is common in post ETS patients.
机译:我写信邀请您在热生物学杂志上发表这封信,以将健康问题提请从事人类体温调节工作的医学从业人员和科学家关注。 1希望向内科医生和潜在患者发出内镜下经胸交感神经切除术(ETS)可能遇到的问题的警报。这也将使那些现在遭受苦难的人们更好地了解ETS之后经历的体温调节问题的原因。手术:这种情况最好参照我自己的经验来说明。在2002年,我接受了ETS的脸红治疗。很遗憾,我没有意识到该手术的严重性,也没有意识到所经历副作用的可能性。手术涉及在第一和第二肋骨之间的两侧进行电灼。在左侧,流血和疤痕也涉及1级神经节。建立ETS“成功”的一种方法是将指针浸入冰中,然后使用热像仪确定指针的重新加热方式。这与正常人的趋势有所不同,因为他们的手指部分被加热,而不是整个身体都被加热。许多ETS患者最初会感觉到比正常手更温暖,随着时间的流逝,随后会出现比正常手更冷的感觉。 Reynauld病在ETS后患者中很常见。



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