首页> 外文期刊>Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology: Organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS) >BMI and levels of zinc, copper in hair, serum and urine of Turkish male patients with androgenetic alopecia

BMI and levels of zinc, copper in hair, serum and urine of Turkish male patients with androgenetic alopecia


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Objective: Male pattern androgenetic alopecia is characterized by progressive hair loss from the scalp. It is known that imbalances of some trace elements play a role in the pathomechanism of many forms of alopecia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the levels of zinc and copper in hair, serum and urine samples of Turkish males with male pattern androgenetic alopecia and to compare with healthy controls. Material and methods: 116 males with male pattern androgenetic alopecia and 100 controls were involved in this study. Results: Levels of zinc and copper in hair were decreased significantly in the patients (p < 0.05), although zinc and copper levels of serum and urine were not different between patients and controls (p > 0.05). Body mass index of patients were higher than control group. In addition, in the group with body mass index of 25 and lower zinc level in hair and urine, copper level in serum were significantly higher (p < 0.05). Body mass index was negatively correlated with hair zinc levels. Conclusion: We thought that decreased zinc and copper levels in hair may play a role in the etiology of male pattern androgenetic alopecia. In addition, obesity by making changes in the balance of the trace elements in hair, serum and urine may play a role in male pattern androgenetic alopecia. Hence, assessing the levels of trace elements in hair of male pattern androgenetic alopecia patients may be more valuable compared to serum and urine for treatment planning.
机译:目的:男性型雄激素性脱发的特征是头皮进行性脱发。已知某些微量元素的失衡在多种形式的脱发的致病机理中起作用。这项研究的目的是评估男性型雄激素性脱发的土耳其男性头发,血清和尿液样品中锌和铜的含量,并与健康对照进行比较。材料和方法:本研究涉及116位男性型雄激素性脱发男性和100名对照。结果:尽管患者和对照组之间血清和尿液中的锌和铜水平没有差异(p> 0.05),但患者头发中的锌和铜水平显着降低(p <0.05)。患者的体重指数高于对照组。此外,在体重指数为25且头发和尿液中锌含量较低的组中,血清铜含量显着较高(p <0.05)。体重指数与头发锌含量呈负相关。结论:我们认为头发中锌和铜水平的降低可能与男性型雄激素性脱发的病因有关。此外,肥胖通过改变头发,血清和尿液中微量元素的平衡而改变,可能在男性型雄激素性脱发中起作用。因此,与用于治疗计划的血清和尿液相比,评估男性型雄激素性脱发患者头发中的微量元素水平可能更有价值。



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