首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vascular and interventional radiology: JVIR >Botulinum toxin a injection of salivary glands in children with drooling and chronic aspiration.

Botulinum toxin a injection of salivary glands in children with drooling and chronic aspiration.


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PURPOSE: To review outcomes of ultrasound (US)-guided percutaneous submandibular gland injection of botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) in the treatment of drooling and chronic aspiration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A 3-year retrospective review was performed of 220 US-guided salivary gland injections in 36 patients. There were 21 male patients and 15 female patients with an age range of 1.4 to 19.8 years (mean, 8.6 y) and a weight range of 7.8 to 73 kg (mean, 24.4 kg). The mean pretreatment analysis period was 48 months and the mean follow-up period was 21 months. The study group was divided into groups with anterior (n = 9) and posterior (n = 27) drooling, with those with both (n = 10) included in the posterior group. RESULTS: All procedures were technically successful. Bilateral submandibular injections were performed in 34 procedures and bilateral submandibular and parotid injections were performed in 38 procedures. Of the 27 patients with posterior drooling, improvement occurred in 24 patients (88%), no improvement was seen in two (8%), and one (4%) was lost to follow-up. Of the nine patients with anterior drooling, six (66%) showed improvement, there was no response in two (22%), and one (12%) was lost to follow-up. The total number of hospitalizations for respiratory issues and presumed aspiration pneumonia decreased by 56.4% per year in the patients with posterior drooling. There was one procedure-related complication: an episode of self-limited oral bleeding. CONCLUSION: Salivary gland BTX-A injection for salivary control shows promising results in decreasing saliva production and frequency of respiratory symptoms in children with drooling and chronic aspiration.
机译:目的:综述超声引导下经皮下颌下腺注射肉毒杆菌毒素A(BTX-A)在流口水和慢性抽吸中的治疗效果。材料与方法:对36位患者的220例美国指导的唾液腺注射进行了为期3年的回顾性研究。年龄范围为1.4至19.8岁(平均8.6岁),体重范围为7.8至73 kg(平均24.4 kg)的男性患者21例,女性15例。平均治疗前分析期为48个月,平均随访期为21个月。研究组分为前流口水(n = 9)和后流口水(n = 27)的组,后流口水组(n = 10)都包括在内。结果:所有程序在技术上均成功。双侧下颌下注射按34例进行,双下颌下颌骨注射按38例进行。在后流口水的27例患者中,有24例(88%)发生了改善,其中2例(8%)没有改善,随访中丢失了1例(4%)。在9名前流口水患者中,有6名(66%)表现出改善,有2名(22%)没有反应,有1名(12%)失去随访。后流口水的患者因呼吸系统疾病和假定的吸入性肺炎而住院的总数每年减少56.4%。有一种与手术相关的并发症:一种自限性口腔出血发作。结论:唾液腺BTX-A注射液用于唾液控制显示出令人垂涎的结果,可减少流口水和慢性误吸儿童的唾液生成和呼吸道症状的发生频率。



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