首页> 外文期刊>Journal of wildlife diseases >Vaccination With F1-V Fusion Protein Protects Black-Footed Ferrets (Mustela nigripes} Against Plague Upon Oral Challenge With Yersinia pestis

Vaccination With F1-V Fusion Protein Protects Black-Footed Ferrets (Mustela nigripes} Against Plague Upon Oral Challenge With Yersinia pestis

机译:用F1-V融合蛋白进行疫苗接种可保护黑脚雪貂(Mustela nigripes)免受鼠疫耶尔森氏菌的口服攻击

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Previous studies have established that vaccination of black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) with F1-V fusion protein by subcutaneous (SC) injection protects the animals against plague upon injection of the bacterium Yersinia pestis. This study demonstrates that the F1-V antigen can also protect ferrets against plague contracted via ingestion of a Y. pestis- infected mouse, a probable route for natural infection. Eight black-footed ferret kits were vaccinated with F1-V protein by SC injection at approximately 60 days-of-age. A booster vaccination was administered 3 mo later via SC injection. Four additional ferret kits received placebos. The animals were challenged 6 wk after the boost by feeding each one a Y. pestis-infected mouse. All eight vaccinates survived challenge, while the four controls succumbed to plague within 3 days after exposure. To determine the duration of antibody postvaccination, 18 additional black-footed ferret kits were vaccinated and boosted with F1-V by SC injection at 60 and 120 days-of-age. High titers to both F1 and V (mean reciprocal titers of 18,552 and 99,862, respectively) were found in all vaccinates up to 2 yr postvaccination, whereas seven control animals remained antibody negative throughout the same time period.
机译:先前的研究已经确定,通过皮下注射(SC)用F1-V融合蛋白接种黑脚雪貂(黑鼬)可以保护动物免受鼠疫耶尔森氏菌感染。这项研究表明,F1-V抗原还可以保护雪貂免受通过摄入鼠疫耶尔森氏菌感染的小鼠(自然感染的可能途径)而感染的鼠疫。在大约60天的年龄通过SC注射将F1-V蛋白接种到八只黑脚雪貂试剂盒中。 3个月后通过SC注射进行加强免疫。另外四个雪貂套件接受了安慰剂。加强免疫后6周通过给每只动物喂食鼠疫杆菌感染的小鼠攻击动物。所有八种疫苗均在攻击中幸存下来,而四个对照在暴露后三天内就死于鼠疫。为了确定抗体接种后的持续时间,对另外18只黑脚雪貂试剂盒进行了疫苗接种,并在年龄60和120天时通过SC注射用F1-V加强免疫。在接种后至接种后2年内,所有疫苗中的F1和V滴度都很高(分别为18,552和99,862的平均倒数滴度),而在同一时间段内,有7只对照动物的抗体阴性。



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