首页> 外文期刊>Journal of voice: official journal of the Voice Foundation >Analysis of voice change during cellular phone use: a blinded controlled study.

Analysis of voice change during cellular phone use: a blinded controlled study.


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It is a growing belief that cellular phone use may be hazardous to the voice. This study aims to assess voice production in different conversational scenarios to identify any changes in vocal production that may be specific to cellular phone use. Twenty healthy participants were randomized to seven conversational scenarios: quiet conditions face to face; quiet conditions over a landline; quiet conditions using a cellular phone (QCP); quiet conditions using cellular phone with earpiece (QCPE); noisy conditions face to face (NFF); noisy conditions using cellular phone (NCP); and noisy conditions using cellular phone with earpiece (NCPE). In each condition, participants performed spontaneous speech, a standardized reading passage, and sustained voicing. Sound pressure levels (dB SPL) and fundamental frequencies (F(0)[Hz]) were measured. Subjects completed a 100-mm visual analog scale measuring vocal effort after each speaking scenario. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). There was a significant difference in dB SPL and F(0) between all quiet conditions relative to all noisy conditions (P<0.001). There was no difference in cellular phone use relative to any other conversational condition in mean dB SPL, respective of ambient noise. Vocal effort was rated greater for noisy conditions compared with quiet conditions. Cellular phone use does not lead to a significant change in voice production relative to other speaking conditions. Voice problems associated with cellular phone use may simply be a function of the increased amount of voice use and increased vocal loudness (Lombard effect) associated with speaking in noisy situations rather than a variable inherent to the phone.
机译:人们越来越相信蜂窝电话的使用可能会对语音造成危害。这项研究旨在评估不同会话情景下的语音产生,以识别可能特定于蜂窝电话使用的语音产生任何变化。 20名健康的参与者被随机分配到七个对话场景中:面对面的安静条件;座机环境安静;使用手机(QCP)的安静条件;使用带听筒的手机(QCPE)的安静环境;面对面的嘈杂条件(NFF);使用蜂窝电话(NCP)的嘈杂条件;和带有听筒的手机(NCPE)嘈杂的环境。在每种情况下,参与者都进行自发讲话,标准化的阅读段落并持续发声。测量了声压级(dB SPL)和基频(F(0)[Hz])。受试者在完成每个说话情景后,完成了一个100毫米的视觉模拟量表,用于测量人声。使用方差分析(ANOVA)进行统计分析。相对于所有嘈杂条件,所有安静条件之间的dB SPL和F(0)均存在显着差异(P <0.001)。相对于任何其他会话条件,蜂窝电话的使用在平均dB SPL和环境噪声方面没有差异。与安静的环境相比,在嘈杂的环境下,人的声乐评分更高。相对于其他讲话条件,使用蜂窝电话不会导致语音产生明显变化。与蜂窝电话使用相关的语音问题可能只是与在嘈杂情况下说话相关的语音使用量增加和语音响度(伦巴德效应)增加的函数,而不是电话固有的变量。



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