首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vocational rehabilitation >Employer-driven disability services provided by a medium-sized information technology company: A qualitative case study

Employer-driven disability services provided by a medium-sized information technology company: A qualitative case study


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BACKGROUND: Individuals with disabilities continue to be underrepresented in STEM education and employment, despite the strong group of STEM occupations in recent years. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of SPRAblement's unique efforts to assist people with physical disabilities to find employment in IT occupations. METHODS: The Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) approach was used to gain a rich understanding of employment services provided to people with sensory and physical disabilities by the nAblement division of SPR Consulting, a medium-sized information technology (IT) company in Chicago. Interviews were conducted with six SPRAblement staff and administrators, six people with physical disabilities served by SPRAblement, and five employers who had hired people with physical disabilities from the SPRAblement's candidate pool. RESULTS: Results suggest multiple opportunities for IT companies that include a focus on disability in their workforce diversity and inclusion programs. Results also highlight some of the unique opportunities and challenges for people with physical disabilities that may arise from receiving in-house, occupation-specific employment and training services. CONCLUSION: Implications for rehabilitation counseling practice and research are provided, including suggestions for facilitating other companies in their profit-driven goals for hiring people with physical disabilities.
机译:背景:尽管近年来STEM职业群体众多,但残疾人在STEM教育和就业中的代表性仍然不足。目的:本研究的目的是更好地了解SPR / nAblement为帮助身体残障人士找到IT职业而做出的独特努力。方法:芝加哥中型信息技术(IT)公司SPR Consulting的nAblement部门使用共识性定性研究(CQR)方法获得对提供给感官和身体残疾者的就业服务的深刻理解。采访了六名SPR / nAblement员工和管理人员,六名由SPR / nAblement服务的肢体残障人士和五名从SPR / nAblement的候选人库中聘用了肢体残障人士的雇主。结果:结果为IT公司提出了许多机会,其中包括在员工队伍多样化和包容计划中关注残疾问题。结果还突出显示了接受内部针对特定职业的就业和培训服务可能给肢体残疾人带来的一些独特机遇和挑战。结论:提供了康复咨询实践和研究的含义,包括为促进其他公司实现以利润为导向的目标来雇用肢体残疾人的建议。



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