首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Veterinary Parasitology >Occurrence of Ctenocephalides felis infestation on yak and its cross-breds

Occurrence of Ctenocephalides felis infestation on yak and its cross-breds


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Flea infestation due to Ctenocephalides felis on yaks in Arunachal Pradesh has been reported. Yak (Poephagus grunniens L) is a multi purpose bovid of high altitudes. This versatile bovid is a major source of livelihood for the highlanders living on and above 3000m MSL. Yaks are reared under transhumance system with vertical migration i.e. in summer they are moved to high altitude and in winter brought to lower altitude. During the phase of migration in months of March-May, ectoparasitic infestationsare common in yaks. Cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) is ubiquitous and parasitisis many species of wild and domestic animals (Yeruham et al., 1989). In the present study, cat flea infestation on yak and its crossbreds is reported.
机译:据报道,在阿鲁纳恰尔邦的牛上,由于fe骨头虫引起的蚤感染。 k牛(Poephagus grunniens L)是高海拔的多用途牛。对于生活在3000m MSL及以上的高地居民来说,这种多功能的牛津是主要的生计来源。 trans牛在垂直移动的超自然系统下进行饲养,即夏季将ks牛移到高海拔地区,冬季将lower牛移到较低高度。在三月至五月的几个月的迁移阶段,牛经常发生外寄生虫侵扰。猫跳蚤(Ctenocephalides felis)无处不在,寄生于许多野生和家养动物中(Yeruham等,1989)。在本研究中,报道了cat牛及其杂种上的猫蚤侵扰。



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