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Vitamin D and colorectal cancer: is it time for D3 supplementation in patients with metastatic disease?


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Garland et al. first reported in 1980 a link between vitamin D deficiency and an increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC) [1]. Garland confirmed the increased risk in geographic locations with low sunlight exposure and in cities with increased risk of rickets, both considered measures of low vitamin D levels [l]. Subsequent studies have suggested a link between vitamin D status, as reflected by 25-OH vitamin D3 level (25-D3), and the risk of CRC. A meta-analysis of studies evaluating the impact of serum 25-D3 and CRC confirmed a statistically significant increased risk of CRC in the vitamin D3-deficient population. This meta-analysis suggested that for every 10 ng/ml increase in 25-D3 levels, there was a 26% reduction in the risk of CRC [2].
机译:Garland等。 1980年首次报道维生素D缺乏与大肠癌(CRC)风险增加之间的联系[1]。 Garland证实,在低日光照射的地理位置和病风险增加的城市中,风险都增加了,这两种方法都被认为是维生素D水平低的措施[1]。随后的研究表明,维生素D状态(由25-OH维生素D3水平(25-D3)反映)与CRC风险之间存在联系。对评价血清25-D3和CRC影响的研究进行的荟萃分析证实,维生素D3缺乏人群中CRC的风险在统计学上显着增加。这项荟萃分析表明,25-D3水平每增加10 ng / ml,CRC风险降低26%[2]。



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