首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vector ecology: journal of the Society for Vector Ecology >Comparison of mosquito (Diptera : Culicidae) populations by wetland type and year in the lower River Dalalven region, Central Sweden

Comparison of mosquito (Diptera : Culicidae) populations by wetland type and year in the lower River Dalalven region, Central Sweden


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We studied adult mosquito assemblages in six wetlands, representing three types (wet meadow, alder swamp, and bog), in the lower part of the River Dalalven in Central Sweden during three consecutive years (2000-2002) and evaluated the influence of wetland type and year. Mosquito abundance differed significantly between years but not between wetland types. Mosquito species richness showed no significant variation between years or wetland types. Cluster analysis based on percentage of similarity resulted in three clusters, with high similarity between all wetlands in 2000. Ordination analysis showed that mosquito assemblages were mainly correlated with wetland type and water level increase in the previous month. Hydrological conditions varied between the years and between the wetland types, and our collections also included a year (2000) with extreme flood situations. The floodwater mosquito species Ochlerotatus sticticus was the predominant species with a strong influence on the whole study due to its long-range dispersal ability. The entire region suffered from enormous numbers of Oc. sticticus in 2000. The data from this study provided the basis for the initiation of a mosquito control project in the region.
机译:我们连续三年(2000-2002年)在瑞典中部达拉芬河下游研究了六个代表三种湿地的湿地成虫组合,湿地草甸、,草沼泽和沼泽地三种类型,并评估了湿地类型的影响和一年。几年之间蚊虫的丰度差异很大,但湿地类型之间的差异不大。蚊虫种类的丰富度在年份或湿地类型之间没有显着变化。基于相似度百分比的聚类分析得出三个聚类,2000年所有湿地之间的相似度都很高。排序分析显示,蚊子的聚集主要与湿地类型和前一个月的水位升高有关。年份和湿地类型之间的水文条件各不相同,我们的收藏还包括一年(2000年)发生极端洪灾的情况。洪水蚊种Ochlerotatus sticticus由于其长期的分散能力,是对整个研究产生重大影响的主要物种。整个地区遭受着大量OC的侵害。 sticticus在2000年。这项研究提供的数据为该地区启动灭蚊项目提供了基础。



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