首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Veterinary Behavior: clinical applications and research >Temperament test for re-homed dogs validated through direct behavioral observation in shelter and home environment

Temperament test for re-homed dogs validated through direct behavioral observation in shelter and home environment


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This study was the first attempt to carry out a validation of a temperament test (TT) for shelter dogs that addressed the topics of inter-and intra-raters agreements, test-retest reliability, and validity. The TT consisted of 22 subtests. Each dog wasapproached and handled by an unfamiliar person and made to interact with a same- and an opposite-gender conspecific. Dogs were tested twice in the shelter and once in their new homes 4 months after adoption to evaluate consistency in behavioral assessment. Playfulness, trainability, problem solving abilities, food possessiveness, and reactivity to sudden stimuli were also evaluated. Testers scored dogs' responses in terms of confidence, fearfulness, and aggressiveness. Results highlighted strengths andlimits of this TT that was devised to help shelter staff in matching dogs' personality and owners' expectations. Methodological constraints when working with sheltered dogs are unavoidable; however, the test proved to be overall feasible, reliable, andvalid although further studies are needed to address the critical issues that emerged.
机译:这项研究是对收容所狗的气质测试(TT)进行验证的首次尝试,该测试解决了评估者内部和评估者之间的协议,重测信度和有效性的问题。 TT包含22个子测验。每只狗都由一个陌生的人接近并处理,并使其与同性和异性的同种动物进行互动。领养后四个月,狗在收容所中接受了两次测试,在新家中接受了一次测试,以评估行为评估的一致性。还评估了游戏性,可训练性,解决问题的能力,食物占有性以及对突然刺激的反应性。测试人员在信心,恐惧和攻击性方面给狗的反应打分。结果突显了该TT的优势和局限,该TT被设计用来帮助员工适应犬的个性和主人的期望。与庇护犬一起工作时方法上的限制是不可避免的;但是,尽管需要进行进一步的研究来解决出现的关键问题,但是该测试被证明是总体可行,可靠和有效的。



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