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The Classic Acute Pyogenic Arthritis of the Hip: An Operation Giving Free Access and Effective Drainage


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Gathome Robert Girdlestone was born in 1881, the son of the Rev. R.B. Girdlestone, Honorary Canon of Christ Church, Oxford . His early education was at Charterhouse, then he read medicine at New College, Oxford. Girdlestone received his subsequent medical training at St. Thomas' Hospital, London, completing his house appointment there. He subsequently went to Oswestry, where he was influenced by Sir Robert Jones. During WW I he returned to Oxford to assume charge of a military hospital that eventually had over 400 beds. The Wingfield Convalescent Home, an "old fashioned institution," was located in Headington, then a village near Oxford, and Girdlestone's initial military hospital consisted largely of open air huts on the Wingfield grounds.
机译:Gathome罗伯特·吉德斯通(Robert Girdlestone)出生于1881年,是牛津大学基督教会名誉佳能牧师R.B. Girdlestone的儿子。他的早期教育是在Charterhouse,然后在牛津的New College读医学。 Girdlestone随后在伦敦圣托马斯医院接受了医学培训,并在那里完成了家事任命。随后他去了Oswestry,在那里受Robert Jones爵士的影响。第一次世界大战期间,他返回牛津,负责一家军事医院,该医院最终拥有400张病床。 Wingfield疗养院是一家“老式机构”,位于牛津附近的海丁顿(Headington),然后是一个村庄,而吉德斯通(Girdlestone)最初的军事医院在Wingfield场地上主要是露天小屋。



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