首页> 外文期刊>Cognitive Neurodynamics >Short term memory bowing effect is consistent with presentation rate dependent decay

Short term memory bowing effect is consistent with presentation rate dependent decay


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I reanalyze the free recall data of Murdock, J Exp Psychol 64(5):482-488 (1962) and Murdock and Okada, J Verbal Learn and Verbal Behav 86:263-267 (1970) which show the famous bowing effect in which initial and recent items are recalled better than intermediate items (primacy and recency effects). Recent item recall probabilities follow a logarithmic decay with time of recall consistent with the tagging/retagging theory. The slope of the decay increases with increasing presentation rate. The initial items, with an effectively low presentation rate, decay with the slowest logarithmic slope, explaining the primacy effect. The finding that presentation rate limits the duration of short term memory suggests a basis for memory loss in busy adults, for the importance of slow music practice, for long term memory deficiencies for people with attention deficits who may be artificially increasing the presentation rates of their surroundings. A well-defined, quantitative measure of the primacy effect is introduced.
机译:我重新分析了Murdock,J Exp Psychol 64(5):482-488(1962)和Murdock and Okada,J Verbal Learn和Verbal Behav 86:263-267(1970)的免费召回数据,这些数据显示了著名的弓箭效果最初和最近的项目比中间项目(优先级和新近度效果)的召回率更高。最近的物品召回概率遵循对数衰减,召回时间与标记/重新标记理论一致。衰减的斜率随着呈现速率的增加而增加。有效呈现率较低的初始项以对数斜率最慢的方式衰减,从而解释了首要效应。提示频率限制了短期记忆的持续时间的发现为忙碌的成年人记忆力丧失提供了基础,这是缓慢的音乐练习的重要性,对于注意力不集中的人的长期记忆不足,他们可能人为地提高了他们的提示频率环境。引入了对首要效应的明确定义的定量度量。



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