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Perioperative infection rate in patients with osteosarcomas treated with resection and prosthetic reconstruction.


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BACKGROUND: The incidence of perioperative infection after segmental tumor endoprosthetic replacement in previous reports varies from a high of 7.4% to a low of 2.6%. Appropriate antibiotic use for this group is unknown and controversial, whereas the relationship of antibiotic use and perioperative infection is unclear. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES: We determined the incidence of perioperative infection in patients with osteosarcoma treated with segmental prosthetic replacement using a standard perioperative antibiotic regimen and the incidence of late infections and wound complications. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the records of 53 patients with osteosarcoma undergoing segmental prosthetic replacements from 1993 to 2008. There were 30 males and 23 females ranging from 10 to 78 years of age. All patients were given intraoperative antibiotics (intravenous cefazolin), continued for 3 days postoperatively and then given orally for 5 days. Patients who were allergic to penicillin or cefazolin were given vancomycin followed by clindamycin. A perioperative infection was defined as a deep infection within 2 months after prosthetic reconstruction. The minimum followup was 1 year (range, 1-15 years). RESULTS: We identified one confirmed perioperative prosthetic infection (1/53; 1.9%) (Enterobacter cloacae and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus) in a 78-year-old woman after proximal tibial replacement, gastrocnemius flap, and skin graft. Her infection was controlled with debridement, drainage, and intravenous antibiotics. Three patients had late infections, two of which were culture negative. Four patients had wound complications that required further surgery. CONCLUSION: The antibiotic regimen we used is longer than that recommended for patients having routine total joint arthroplasty. Its appropriateness will require comparison with alternate regimens, including those of shorter duration. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level IV, therapeutic study. See the Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
机译:背景:在先前的报道中,节段性肿瘤假体置换术后围手术期感染的发生率从高位的7.4%到低位的2.6%不等。目前尚不清楚该组是否适当使用抗生素,并且存在争议,而目前尚不清楚抗生素使用与围手术期感染之间的关系。问题/目的:我们确定了使用标准围手术期抗生素方案经节段性假体置换治疗的骨肉瘤患者围手术期感染的发生率以及晚期感染和伤口并发症的发生率。患者与方法:我们回顾性回顾了1993年至2008年间接受节段性假体置换的53例骨肉瘤患者的记录。男性10到78岁,男性30例,女性23例。所有患者均接受术中抗生素(静脉注射头孢唑啉)治疗,术后持续3天,然后口服5天。对青霉素或头孢唑啉过敏的患者先给予万古霉素,再给予克林霉素。围手术期感染被定义为修复后2个月内的深度感染。最小随访时间为1年(范围1-15年)。结果:我们在一名近端胫骨置换,腓肠肌皮瓣和皮肤移植后,对一名78岁妇女进行了围手术期假肢感染的确诊(1/53; 1.9%)(阴沟肠杆菌和耐甲氧西林的葡萄球菌)。通过清创,引流和静脉注射抗生素控制了她的感染。三例患者感染较晚,其中两个为培养阴性。四名患者有伤口并发症,需要进一步手术。结论:我们使用的抗生素方案比常规全关节置换患者的推荐方案更长。其适当性将需要与其他方案进行比较,包括持续时间较短的方案。证据级别:IV级,治疗研究。有关证据水平的完整说明,请参见《作者指南》。



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