首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Medical Association. >Traditional Indian snacks modified to attain low glycaemic index and confirmed suitable to be consumed without hyperglycaemic effect in type 2 diabetics

Traditional Indian snacks modified to attain low glycaemic index and confirmed suitable to be consumed without hyperglycaemic effect in type 2 diabetics


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The purpose of this study is to determine the glycaemic index of seven traditional Indian snacks modified in composition and preparation and to determine their giycaemic and insulinaemic response in type II diabetics. Blood glucose and insulin level at fasting, postprandial -1 hour and 2 hours in ten normal healthy volunteers were analysed after oral administration of 50 g pure glucose and later at weekly intervals with each of the test snack. Area under curve was calculated and compared for pure glucose and each test snack to determine the glycaemic index. Each of the test snack was administered in ten type II diabetics and the glycaemic and insulinaemic response was determined at fasting, postprandial -1 hour, 2 hours and compared with that of the normal volunteers. Changes in blood glucose and insulin levels (mean ? SD) at fasting and two time intervals in normal and diabetics were analysed using Student's paired't' test, and between the two groups using Student's unpaired't' test for each test snack. Sensory evaluation and satiety factor were obtained using five-point hedonic and visual assessment scale. Area under curve for each test snack was significantly lower (p<0.001) than that of pure glucose and hence all the snacks are confirmed as having low glycaemic index which ranged from 31 to 47%. The significant rise at postprandial -1 hour (p<0.001) and fall at postprandial -2 hours (p<0.001) in blood glucose levels and sustained insulin levels at postprandial - 2 hours was similar in normal and diabetics for each of the test snack. Sensory evaluation and satiety factor were similar for traditional and modified snacks.The seven modified traditional Indian snacks have low glycaemic index and do not have a hyperglycaemic effect in type II diabetics. Besides, their low glycaemic index status, high acceptability, and satiety factor makes these modified snacks most suitable for sustained consumption by type II diabetics and hence better glycaemic control.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定七种传统印度零食的成分和制备方法的血糖指数,并确定其在II型糖尿病患者中的吉米和胰岛素反应。在口服50 g纯葡萄糖后,每星期测试一次零食,对十名正常健康志愿者的空腹,餐后-1小时和2小时的血糖和胰岛素水平进行分析。计算曲线下的面积并比较纯葡萄糖和每种测试小吃以确定血糖指数。每份测试零食均以10种II型糖尿病患者服用,并在餐后,餐后-1小时,2小时确定血糖和胰岛素反应,并与正常志愿者进行比较。正常和糖尿病患者在空腹和两个时间间隔时的血糖和胰岛素水平(平均值±SD)的变化使用学生配对配对测试分析,两组之间使用学生非配对配对测试分析每种小吃。使用五点享乐和视觉评估量表获得感官评估和饱足感。每种测试小吃的曲线下面积均显着低于纯葡萄糖(p <0.001),因此,所有小吃均被确认具有低血糖指数,范围在31%至47%之间。在餐后-1小时(p <0.001)和餐后-2小时(p <0.001)时,血糖水平和餐后-2小时的持续胰岛素水平显着下降,每种测试零食的正常和糖尿病患者相似。传统小吃和改良小吃的感官评价和饱腹感相似。七种改良印度传统小吃的血糖指数低,对II型糖尿病患者没有高血糖作用。此外,它们的低血糖指数状态,高可接受性和饱足感使这些经过改良的零食最适合II型糖尿病患者持续食用,因此可以更好地控制血糖。



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