首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Neurological Sciences: Official Bulletin of the World Federation of Neurology >Long-term follow-up of patients with adult-onset subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.

Long-term follow-up of patients with adult-onset subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.


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Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a rare infectious central nervous system disease with a poor prognosis. Nineteen patients, 18 males and one female, ranging in age from 18 to 22, mean 19.6+/-1.5 years with SSPE were evaluated. We treated 9 patients with oral isoprinosine and 10 patients with alpha-interferon plus oral isoprinosine and followed up for 16 to 160 months. Of the 9 patients treated with oral isoprinosine, 7 (77.7%) died, one stabilized, and one showed progression. Seven (70%) of 10 patients treated with alpha-interferon plus oral isoprinosine died, one showed progression, and stabilization was observed in two patients. Thus, we suggest that isoprinosine alone or in combination with intraventricular interferon did not change the prognosis in long-term follow-up periods.
机译:亚急性硬化性全脑炎(SSPE)是一种罕见的传染性中枢神经系统疾病,预后较差。评估了19名患者,男18名,女1名,年龄18至22岁,平均SSPE为19.6 +/- 1.5岁。我们对9例口服异麦芽碱治疗患者和10例α-干扰素加口服异芥子碱治疗患者进行了随访,随访时间为16至160个月。在接受口服异斯皮洛辛治疗的9例患者中,有7例(77.7%)死亡,1例稳定,1例显示进展。 10例接受α-干扰素加口服异斯皮洛辛治疗的患者中有7例(70%)死亡,其中1例显示进展,并且2例患者观察到稳定。因此,我们建议长期随访期间,单独或与脑室内干扰素联合使用异斯皮洛宁不会改变预后。



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