
Social Dimensions Mining Sector


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The expansion of the mining sector in India in the twentieth century has been phenomenal. The value of mineral production has increased from a figure of Rs 10.6croresin 1930ADtoRs62 OOQcroresin2002AD. Since the 1980s, there has been a major change in the method of mining as well as in size of mines. The bulk of minerals is produced these days from large-scale mechanized opencast mines which are worked tip to the depths of even 150 m-200 m. Opencast mining causes great damage to land and in addition needs a lot of land for external overburden dumping. Although the mines need large parcels of land, often causing large-scale displacement of persons, these mechanized opencast mines can provide only a few jobs to the displaced persons. Then there are restrictions on the availability of land imposed by the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 and the Environment (Protection) Act 1986, The problems of land acquisition for mining, be it under the LA Act 1894 or CBA Act 1957, are examined in this paper. The R&R Policy for displaced persons, as followed by various mining companies is also discussed The importance of community development work by the mining companies as a, way to win the trust of the surrounding community is emphasised along with examples of such work carried out by a number of companies in the country. The implementation of the Indigenous People's Development Programme of the World Bank under ESMP by Coal India has been a unique experience and discussed in this paper. Minerals being a non-renewable resource, a mine gets closed after exhaustion of the mineable deposit. The repercussions of a mine's closure on the surrounding community and the ways to minimise the adverse impacts are discussed. Thus, the paper concludes that for carrying mining activity in the future, adequate attention should be given to the social dimensions of mining.
机译:二十世纪印度采矿业的扩张是惊人的。矿产产值从1930年的10.60亿卢比增加到62亿卢比。自1980年代以来,采矿方法和矿山规模发生了重大变化。如今,大量的矿物是从大型机械化露天矿中开采出来的,这些露天矿的工作深度甚至达到了150 m-200 m。露天开采对土地造成了严重破坏,此外还需要大量土地用于外部覆土倾倒。尽管这些地雷需要大片土地,往往造成人员大规模流离失所,但这些机械化的露天矿只能为流离失所者提供少量工作。然后,根据1980年《森林(保护)法》和1986年《环境(保护)法》对土地的可用性进行了限制。根据《 1894年洛杉矶法》或《 1957年CBA法》,对采矿业的土地收购问题进行了研究。这篇报告。还讨论了针对流离失所者的R&R政策,以及各种矿业公司所遵循的政策。强调了矿业公司进行社区发展工作的重要性,并强调了赢得周边社区信任的方法以及由矿业公司开展的此类工作的实例。该国的公司数量。印度煤炭公司在ESMP之下实施世界银行土著人民发展计划的经历是独特的经验,本文对此进行了讨论。矿物质是不可再生的资源,矿山在可开采的矿藏用尽后被关闭。讨论了关闭煤矿对周围社区的影响以及将不利影响降至最低的方法。因此,本文得出结论,为将来进行采矿活动,应充分重视采矿的社会层面。



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