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Statistical techniques to understand soils.


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Thirteen soils were identified in 518 ha of the farm area of the Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute. They were also described in terms of effective soil volume (ESV), occupied by fine earth and pore space, because of the spatial variability in the landscape attributes, which are found to control ESV. Two important properties, which determine ESV, depth and coarse fragment contents varied from 0.14 to 1.65 m and 0 to 55%, respectively. Sand, silt and clay contents varied from 37 to 72, 16 to 43 and 9 to 32%, respectively. Multivariate statistical tool like factor analysis extracted two factors namely, 'surface area factor' and 'exploitable soil volume factor', which jointly described 83% of variability. Sand (-0.825), silt (0.830) and clay (0.825) had larger loading on surface area factor (SA factor) (-0.825, 0.830 and 0.825, respectively) and described 51% of variability in the data. Similarly, ESV had the largest loading (0.946) on exploitable soil volume factor (ESV factor), which described 32% variability of the data. Scatter pattern based on factor scores, which indicated the nature of soils, placed three soils in Group I with positive scores on both the factors while two soils were put in Group II with positive and negative scores on SA and ESV factor, respectively. Three soils were classified in Group III, characterized by negative scores on both the factors, while five soils were placed in Group IV with negative and positive scores on factor 1 and 2, respectively.
机译:在印度草原和饲料研究所的耕地面积518公顷中鉴定出13种土壤。还根据有效土壤体积(ESV)(由细土和孔隙空间占据)来描述它们,这是因为景观属性的空间可变性可以控制ESV。决定ESV的两个重要属性分别为0.14至1.65 m和0至55%,分别为深度和粗碎含量。沙子,粉砂和粘土的含量分别为37%至72%,16%至43%和9%至32%。诸如因子分析之类的多元统计工具提取了两个因子,即“表面积因子”和“可利用的土壤体积因子”,它们共同描述了83%的变异性。沙(-0.825),粉砂(0.830)和黏土(0.825)的表面积因子(SA因子)分别较大(分别为-0.825、0.830和0.825),并描述了数据变化的51%。同样,ESV在可利用的土壤体积因子(ESV因子)上具有最大的负荷(0.946),描述了数据的32%变异性。基于因子得分的散布图样表明了土壤的性质,将第一类中的三种土壤在两个因子上的得分都为正,而第二类中的两种土壤分别在SA和ESV因子上得分为正和负。第三组将三种土壤分类为特征,两个因子均为负值,第四组则将五种土壤分别以因子1和因子2为负和正值。



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