首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science >A Re-look at the Diagnostic Criteria for Salt-affected Soils in India

A Re-look at the Diagnostic Criteria for Salt-affected Soils in India


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Reclamation research and practices have a long history in India. However, a concern is posed right in the beginning that despite the excellent work and lead taken by the country for developing technologies for alkali land reclamation and their transformation at the farm level, with more than 1.3 million ha (Mha) of such lands rehabilitated, due credit is not being given in world literature. In fact a 'mini revolution' on alkali/sodic land reclamation in the north-western states of Punjab, Haryana andUP had its own contributions to Green Revolution of 70's. Much of the later efforts during 80's and 90's, though have concentrated on reclamation of waterlogged saline soils but little of the drainage work has so far been translated into successful practices at the farm level.
机译:在印度,填海研究和实践有着悠久的历史。但是,一开始就引起人们的关注,尽管该国在开发碱性土地开垦技术及其在农场一级的转化方面做出了出色的工作并发挥了带头作用,其中有130万公顷(Mha)的土地得到了修复,世界文学没有给予应有的重视。实际上,西北部旁遮普邦,哈里亚纳邦和UP的碱/碱土地开垦的“小规模革命”为70年代的绿色革命做出了自己的贡献。 80年代和90年代后期的许多努力虽然集中在开垦盐渍土壤上,但到目前为止,很少有排水工作被转化为农场一级的成功实践。



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