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Precambrian Large Igneous Provinces: An Overview of Geochronology, Origins and Impact on Earth Evolution


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Precambrian large igneous provinces flourished during the Proterozoic and some, such as the 1 27 Ga Mackenzie event in North America, resemble their Phanerozoic counterparts with good evidence for the production of large volumes of mafic magma in short periods of geologic time (<10 m y), a specific focus of this magmatism, and regional uplift prior to the onset of volcanism In many Precambrian examples, the flood basalts have been largely removed by erosion and only the root zone (eg,, dyke swarm, layered mafic intrusion) of these large igneous provinces is preserved. The short duration of this magmatism and the geometric relationship between linear dyke swarms and basement geology can potentially provide a robust geological pin in continental reconstructions The extensive 2 37 Ga E-W trending Bangalore dyke swarm in the Dharwar craton, India cross-cuts N-S trending Neoarchean greenstone belts and the 2 51 Ga Closepet granite and is a good example of the potential for providing a cornerstone in Paleoproterozoic continent reconstruction In contrast, the 1 89 Ga Southern Bastar-Cuddapah large igneous province in southern India is one of several large igneous provinces formed at this time on different continents, including the 1,89-1 88 Ga cireum-Superior mafic/ultramafic magmatism in North America and the 1.88-1.87 Ga Waterberg Group sills in South Africa, and is part of a global period of enhanced mantle melting, A challenge for future attempts at Precambrian continent reconstruction is to distinguish between discrete global periods of enhanced mantle melting and a single specific focus large igneous province.
机译:前寒武纪大火成岩省在元古代时期繁荣昌盛,例如北美的1 27 Ga Mackenzie事件,与它们的幻影时代相似,有很好的证据表明在短地质时期(<10 my)会产生大量的镁铁质岩浆。 ,是这种岩浆作用的特定焦点,以及火山爆发之前的区域隆升在许多前寒武纪的例子中,洪水玄武岩已被侵蚀大部分除去,只有这些大的根部区域(例如堤群,层状铁镁质侵入体)火成的省份得以保存。这种岩浆作用的持续时间短,线性堤坝群和地下室地质之间的几何关系可能为大陆重建提供强大的地质钉子。印度Dharwar克拉通的广泛的2 37 Ga EW趋势的班加罗尔堤防群横切了NS趋势的新archarean绿岩地带和2 51 Ga Closepet花岗岩,是在古元古代大陆重建中提供基石潜力的一个很好的例子。相比之下,印度南部的1 89 Ga南部巴斯塔尔—库达帕大火成岩省是在该地区形成的几个大火成岩省之一。这次是在不同的大陆,包括北美的1,89-1 88 Ga的cireum-上层铁镁质/超镁铁质岩浆作用和南非的1.88-1.87的Ga Waterberg Group窗台,这是全球地幔融化增强时期的一部分,未来尝试进行前寒武纪大陆重建的挑战是,要区分全球性地幔增强的离散时期。 e融化,单个特定焦点位于大火成岩省。



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