首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the European Ceramic Society >Microwave-assisted synthesis of Pr-ZrSiO_4, V-ZrSiO_4 and Cr-YAlO_3 ceramic pigments

Microwave-assisted synthesis of Pr-ZrSiO_4, V-ZrSiO_4 and Cr-YAlO_3 ceramic pigments


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An innovative two-step route was successfully applied to the microwave-assisted synthesis of Pr-ZrSiO_4, V-ZrSiO_4 and Cr-YAlO_3 ceramic pigments. It is able to reduce the total synthesis time from many hours down to a few minutes. Industrial batches were pelletized and underwent a short time pre-heating in conventional electric furnace (from 300 up to 1000 deg C) prior to dielectric heating in microwave oven (2.45 GHz, 800 W continuous or paused). Pre-heating is necessary to reach a thermal level at which pigment precursors are activated under microwave irradiation (high enough tan S of dielectric properties). Activation kinetics was followed by measuring (optical pyrometer) the external temperature of crucible during MW irradiation and the internal temperature at the end of heating process. Pigments were characterized by colourimetry (CIE Lab) and XRPD with Rietveld refinement. The V-ZrSiO_4 system is easily activated, already at pre-heating of 300 deg C, with good reaction yield and colour performance; nevertheless it is difficult to keep under control, as temperatures exceeding 1200 deg C are rapidly reached. The Pr-ZrSiO_4 system is activated after pre-heating over 600 deg C and exhibits a slow kinetics, resulting in a low reaction yield and unsatisfactory colour. The Cr-YAlO_3 pigment is formed with colour and reaction yield close to those of the correspondent industrial product, even though after pre-heating at 800 deg C or more. A peculiar behaviour of silica phases was observed in zircon systems, particularly after lower pre-heating temperatures. It consists in an early transformation of quartz (present as precursor) into cristobalite and abundant amorphous phase, before the SiO_2 + ZrO_2 → ZrSiO_4 transformation occurred.
机译:创新的两步法已成功地应用于微波辅助合成Pr-ZrSiO_4,V-ZrSiO_4和Cr-YAlO_3陶瓷颜料。它能够将总的合成时间从数小时减少到几分钟。将工业批次进行制粒,然后在常规电炉中(从300到1000摄氏度)进行短时间的预加热,然后在微波炉中进行电介质加热(2.45 GHz,800 W连续或暂停)。必须进行预热,以达到在微波辐射下活化颜料前体的热水平(介电特性的tan s足够高)。激活动力学之后,通过测量(光学高温计)MW照射期间的坩埚外部温度和加热过程结束时的内部温度。通过比色法(CIE Lab)和具有Rietveld提纯的XRPD对颜料进行了表征。 V-ZrSiO_4系统在300摄氏度的预热下易于激活,具有良好的反应收率和显色性能;但是,由于温度迅速超过1200摄氏度,因此难以控制。 Pr-ZrSiO_4系统在预热至600摄氏度后被激活,并且动力学缓慢,导致反应收率低且颜色不令人满意。 Cr-YAlO_3颜料即使在800摄氏度或更高的温度下预热,其颜色和反应收率仍接近相应的工业产品。在锆石体系中观察到了二氧化硅相的特殊行为,特别是在较低的预热温度之后。它包括在发生SiO_2 + ZrO_2→ZrSiO_4转变之前,将石英(作为前体)早期转变为方石英和丰富的非晶相。



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