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Local institutionalization, discontinuity, and German textbooks of psychology, 1816-1854


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In the context of social and intellectual developments and the changing role of German universities in the first half of the nineteenth century, which led to the local institutionalization of the discipline of psychology at German universities, the structure and content of textbooks of psychology are discussed. Textbooks in the first half of the nineteenth century had a pedagogical function in training teachers, in socializing students into the field, and in providing students and readers with knowledge about the subject matter, methodology, and topics of psychology. The textbooks, representative of influence, philosophical-psychological orientations, and different decades in the first half of the nineteenth century, are reconstructed with regard to the definition of psychology, the ways of studying the soul, and how to conceptually organize the field. The textbooks by Herbart, Beneke, and Waitz, which were written Within a natural -scientific programmatic vision for psychology, are contrasted with the traditional philosophically intended textbooks of Reinhold, Mu beta marm, George, and Schilling. Fischhaber's textbook for Gymnasien is summarized. Issues regarding the continuity of psychology are discussed, and discontinuous developments in the history of German psychology are identified. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:在社会和智力发展以及19世纪上半叶德国大学角色变化,导致德国大学心理学学科在当地制度化的背景下,讨论了心理学教科书的结构和内容。十九世纪上半叶的教科书具有教学功能,可以训练教师,使学生社交化,向学生和读者提供有关心理学的主题,方法和主题的知识。这些教科书重新诠释了心理学的定义,研究灵魂的方式以及如何从概念上组织这一领域,这些著作重新诠释了影响力,哲学心理学的方向以及19世纪上半叶的不同年代。 Herbart,Beneke和Waitz编写的教科书是在心理学的自然科学程序性视野内编写的,与Reinhold,Mu beta marm,George和Schilling的传统哲学教科书形成对照。 Fischhaber的Gymnasien教科书进行了总结。讨论了有关心理学连续性的问题,并确定了德国心理学史上的不连续发展。 (c)2007年Wiley Periodicals,Inc.



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