首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Oriental Society >Franz Kiihnert and the Phonetics ofLate Nineteenth-Century Nankingese

Franz Kiihnert and the Phonetics ofLate Nineteenth-Century Nankingese

机译:弗朗兹·基恩纳特(Franz Kiihnert)和19世纪晚期南京人的语音

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The Austrian astronomer and sinologist Franz Kuhnert left detailed studies of Nankingesepronunciation as it existed in the late nineteenth century. Accounts of this type are valuablebecause they can be compared with modern descriptions to serve as a basis for historicalanalysis of phonological change in Chinese dialects. Unfortunately, Kuhnert recorded hisform of Nankingese in a complex and intricate orthography, which makes his material dif-ficult to access for readers today. The purpose of the present article is to analyze his transcrip-tional system and determine IPA sound values for the forms he gives.
机译:奥地利天文学家和汉学家弗朗兹·库纳特(Franz Kuhnert)离开了有关19世纪晚期存在的Nanes的详细研究。这种类型的说明很有价值,因为可以将它们与现代描述进行比较,以作为对中国方言语音变化进行历史分析的基础。不幸的是,库纳特在复杂而复杂的拼字法中记录了“南京人”的形体,这使他的材料难以被当今的读者使用。本文的目的是分析他的抄写系统并确定他给出的表单的IPA声音值。



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