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Nurse staffing and quality: The unanswered question


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Researchers have spent decades trying to answer the question: Does more nurse staff lead to better quality of nursing home care? Many nurses, consumers, nursing home providers, and other stakeholders believe intuitively that the answer is "yes." Yet, the research literature fails to give us a clear answer. Bostick and colleagues1 reached a relatively positive conclusion about the nurse staffing and quality relationship from their review of 87 articles and reports published from 1975 to 2003. Spilsbury and colleagues,2 in their systematic review of 50 carefully screened studies from 1987 to 2008, were much more critical of methods and findings from these studies. In this issue of the Journal, Backhaus and colleagues3 offer a systematic review of more recent research, with most of the reviewed studies conducted between 2000 and 2012. They limited their review to studies using a longitudinal design, which is better able to detect causal effects and less susceptible to spurious interpretation than a cross-sectional design.
机译:研究人员花了数十年的时间来尝试回答这个问题:更多的护理人员会导致更好的护理院护理质量吗?许多护士,消费者,疗养院提供者和其他利益相关者直观地认为答案是“是”。然而,研究文献未能给我们一个明确的答案。 Bostick和同事1从1975年至2003年发表的87篇文章和报告的回顾中得出了关于护士人员配备和质量关系的相对肯定的结论。Spilsbury和同事2在对1987年至2008年经过精心筛选的50项研究进行系统回顾的过程中,取得了很大的成就对这些研究的方法和发现更为批评。在本期《杂志》中,Backhaus及其同事3对较新的研究进行了系统的综述,其中大部分综述是在2000年至2012年之间进行的。他们的综述仅限于采用纵向设计的研究,这样可以更好地发现因果关系并且比横截面设计更不容易受到虚假解释的影响。



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