首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Medical Directors Association >MDS 3.0 section M: Skin Conditions: what the medical director needs to know.

MDS 3.0 section M: Skin Conditions: what the medical director needs to know.

机译:MDS 3.0第M节:皮肤状况:医疗主管需要了解的内容。

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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has released the new Resident Assessment Instrument version 3.0, which went into effect October 1, 2010. The intention of the revised Resident Assessment Instrument is to improve health-related quality of life and care planning, and incorporate evolving standards of terminology, assessment, and technology. To reach this goal, Section M: Skin Conditions has been greatly expanded and will alter the process of pressure ulcer assessment in all long-term care facilities across America. Details of this assessment instrument include upgraded criteria for risk factors, staging, identification, tracking, and evolution of pressure ulcers. The medical director can and should assume a leadership role in education and collaboration with primary care physicians and wound clinicians to accommodate changes in revised Section M. Integrating the medical director into the facility's wound care program will improve the quality of care for residents of long-term care facilities.
机译:医疗保险和医疗补助中心已经发布了新的《居民评估工具》 3.0版,该版本于2010年10月1日生效。修订后的《居民评估工具》旨在改善与健康相关的生活质量和护理计划,并纳入不断发展的术语,评估和技术标准。为了实现这一目标,M部分:皮肤状况已得到很大扩展,并将改变全美所有长期护理机构中的压疮评估过程。该评估工具的详细信息包括风险因素,分期,识别,追踪和演变为压疮的升级标准。医疗主任可以并且应该在与初级保健医生和伤口临床医生的教育和合作中发挥领导作用,以适应修订后的M节中的变化。将医疗主任整合到机构的伤口护理计划中将改善长期护理人员的护理质量定期护理设施。



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