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Performance of SVM and Bayesian classifiers on the systematic review classification task


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In the July 2010 issue of JAMIA, Matwin et al published an article entitled 'A new algorithm for reducing the workload of experts in performing systematic reviews.'1 Briefly, the work proposes a factorized variant of the complement Naive Bayes classifier as an improvement, using weight engineering on the features (FCNB/WE). The prior work of Cohen et al in this area is cited, and the data set made public along with this prior work is used for the evaluation.The Matwin et al article corftpares the authors' proposed system against the early Cohen et al published voting perceptron (VP) classifier results, using the 'work saved over sampling at 95% recall' (WSS@95) measure proposed in that paper. However, the article notes that WSS@95 figures were not published in Cohen's later work based on the support vector machine (SVM) classifier,3 4 and states that these figures were not available for comparison.
机译:Matwin等人在2010年7月的JAMIA杂志上发表了一篇题为“减少专家进行系统评价工作量的新算法”的文章。1简而言之,这项工作提出了Naive Bayes分类器的因式分解变体,作为改进,在功能(FCNB / WE)上使用权重工程。引用了Cohen等人在此领域的先前工作,并将与该先前工作一起公开的数据集用于评估。Matwin等人的文章纠正了Cohen等人发表的早期投票感知器的作者提出的系统(VP)分类器结果,使用该论文中提出的“ 95%召回率下节省的样本工作量”(WSS @ 95)度量。但是,该文章指出,WSS @ 95数字并未在Cohen的以后基于支持向量机(SVM)分类器的工作中发表[3],并指出这些数字不可用于比较。



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