首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Medical Directors Association >Megacolon and stercoral proctitis after frequent fecal impactions: report of an unusual case and review of the literature.

Megacolon and stercoral proctitis after frequent fecal impactions: report of an unusual case and review of the literature.


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Persistent megacolon that results from frequent episodes of fecal impaction without adequate treatment is a rare and seldom reported condition in the elderly. This report discusses a 72-year-old white woman presenting with a large abdominal mass, who had at least 4 episodes of radiographically demonstrated fecal impaction over the previous year without adequate treatment. The patient required hospitalization for a bleeding rectal ulcer during the second episode of fecal impaction. Computed tomography (CT) scans on this admission revealed a dilated colon up to 16 x 14 cm in maximal dimensions extending over 30 cm, filled with massive fecal material. Several follow-up abdominal radiographs revealed a persistent megacolon after 10 months despite the absence of significant fecal material in the rectosigmoid colon. While multiple contributing factors were likely involved in her frequent fecal impactions, the clinical course of this case suggests that frequent fecal impactions without adequate treatment can lead to megacolon in high-risk patients. Clinicians should aggressively treat fecal impaction and monitor the adequacy of treatment with abdominal radiography in order to avoid significant complications. Complications and management of fecal impaction and the pathophysiology of megacolon in the literature are reviewed and discussed.
机译:在老年人中,因粪便受压频繁发作而导致的持久性大肠病是罕见的,很少报道。该报告讨论了一名72岁的白人妇女,腹部大肿块,在过去的一年中,至少有4次影像学表现为粪便受累,但未经适当治疗。患者在第二次粪便触诊期间因出血性直肠溃疡需要住院治疗。入院时的计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描显示,结肠扩张到最大16 x 14 cm,最大尺寸超过30 cm,充满了大量粪便。尽管在直肠乙状结肠结肠中没有明显的粪便物质,但数次随访腹部X线片显示10个月后仍存在持续性巨结肠。尽管她的频繁粪便影响可能涉及多种因素,但该病例的临床过程表明,如果没有适当的治疗,频繁的粪便影响会导致高危患者的巨结肠。临床医生应积极治疗粪便撞击,并用腹部放射线照相检查治疗的适当性,以避免重大并发症。本文对粪便撞击的并发症和处理以及巨结肠的病理生理进行了回顾和讨论。



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