首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Statistical Physics >A Second-row Parking Paradox

A Second-row Parking Paradox


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We consider two variations of the discrete car parking problem where at every vertex of a"currency sign cars (particles) independently arrive with rate one. The cars can park in two lines according to the following parking (adsorption) rules. In both models a car which arrives at a given vertex tries to park in the first line first. It parks (sticks) whenever the vertex and all of its nearest neighbors are not occupied yet. A car that cannot park in the first line will attempt to park in the second line. If it is obstructed in the second line as well, the attempt is discarded. In the screening model a) a car cannot pass through parked cars in the second line with midpoints adjacent to its vertex of arrival. In the model without screening b) cars park according to the same rules, but parking in the first line cannot be obstructed by parked cars in the second line. We show that both models are solvable in terms of finite-dimensional ODEs. We compare numerically the limits of first- and second-line densities, with time going to infinity. While it is not surprising that model a) exhibits an increase of the density in the second line from the first line, more remarkably this is also true for model b), albeit in a less pronounced way.
机译:我们考虑离散停车问题的两个变体,其中在“货币符号”的每个顶点处,汽车(粒子)以速率1独立到达。根据以下停车(吸附)规则,汽车可以分两行停车。到达给定顶点的汽车首先尝试在第一行停放,只要顶点和它的所有最近邻居都未被占用,它就会停放(棍子)。如果在筛选模型中a)车辆无法通过第二行中停放的汽车,且其中点靠近其到达顶点,则该行将无法通过第二行。 b)按照相同的规则停车,但是第一行的停车不能被第二行的停车所阻碍,我们证明这两种模型在有限维ODE方面都是可解的。和s econd-line密度,随着时间的推移会达到无穷大。尽管模型a)在第二条线的密度从第一条线开始增加并不奇怪,但更明显的是,对于模型b)也是如此,尽管这种方式不太明显。



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