首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Geriatrics Society >Thirteen dimensions of health in elderly Sri Lankans: results from a National Sri Lanka Aging Survey.

Thirteen dimensions of health in elderly Sri Lankans: results from a National Sri Lanka Aging Survey.


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OBJECTIVES: To explore age and sex differences in distribution of 13 health dimensions with a focus on self-rated health (SRH) and the association between SRH and other health dimensions in elderly Sri Lankans. DESIGN: Sri Lanka Aging Survey, a nationally representative cross-sectional survey. SETTING: Community based. PARTICIPANTS: Inhabitants of 13 districts in Sri Lanka aged 60 and older (N=2,413). MEASUREMENTS: Self-reported SRH, hearing, activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), mobility, physical disability, chronic diseases, stress and worry, mood, cognition, social participation, social support, and financial health. RESULTS: The prevalence of being "healthy" in most health dimensions, including SRH, declined with age. Men were more likely to report better SRH; independence in ADLs, IADLs, and mobility; absence of physical disability and chronic diseases; and good mental health. Absence of chronic diseases, independence in ADLs and IADLs, freedom from stress and worry, and absence of depression were associated with positive (excellent/very good/good) SRH. The male SRH advantage was not significant in adjusted analyses, and sex did not modify the association between SRH and other health dimensions. CONCLUSION: Several of the dimensions associated with positive SRH are to a certain extent modifiable and therefore provide a potential for improvement in SRH of elderly Sri Lankans. Differences between this study and studies from elsewhere in the associations between different health dimensions and SRH, and in how sex modifies these associations, suggest that some of the associations may depend on cultural context.
机译:目的:探讨年龄和性别在13个健康维度分布中的差异,重点是自评健康(SRH)以及斯里兰卡老年人中SRH与其他健康维度之间的关联。设计:斯里兰卡老龄化调查,是一项全国代表性的断面调查。地点:基于社区。参与者:斯里兰卡13个地区的60岁及以上的居民(N = 2,413)。测量:自我报告的SRH,听力,日常生活活动(ADL),日常生活工具活动(IADL),活动能力,身体残疾,慢性病,压力和忧虑,心情,认知,社会参与,社会支持和财务健康。结果:在大多数健康方面,包括SRH,“健康”的患病率随着年龄的增长而下降。男性更有可能报告更好的SRH。 ADL,IADL和移动性的独立性;没有身体残疾和慢性疾病;和良好的心理健康。慢性疾病的缺乏,ADL和IADL的独立性,免于压力和忧虑以及没有抑郁症与阳性(优秀/非常好/好)SRH相关。在调整后的分析中,男性SRH的优势并不明显,性别也没有改变SRH与其他健康维度之间的关联。结论:与阳性SRH相关的几个方面在一定程度上是可以修改的,因此有可能改善老年斯里兰卡人的SRH。这项研究与其他地方的研究之间的差异在于不同健康维度与SRH之间的关联以及性别如何改变这些关联,这表明某些关联可能取决于文化背景。



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