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Vortex Rossby waves in a numerically simulated tropical cyclone. Part I: Overall structure, potential vorticity, and kinetic energy budgets


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The asymmetric structure in the inner core of a numerically simulated tropical cyclone is analyzed in this study. The simulated tropical cyclone is found to be highly asymmetric in the inner core. In the mid-lower troposphere, the asymmetry in the core is dominated by azimuthal wavenumber-1 and wavenumber-2 vortex Rossby waves. These waves propagate azimuthally upwind against the azimuthal mean cyclonic tangential flow around the eyewall, and thus have a much longer cyclonic rotation period (by a factor of 2) than the period of a parcel moving with the cyclonic mean tangential flow around the circumference. They also propagate outward against the boundary layer inflow of the azimuthal mean cyclone. The waves are only visible within a radius of about 60 km from the cyclone center. Beyond this distance, the radial gradient of potential vorticity (PV) of the azimuthal mean cyclone is too weak to support the vortex Rossby waves. Although the divergent motion remains strong, the geopotential height and wind fields of the vortex Rossby waves are quasi-balanced, with confluent cyclonic (divergent anticyclonic) flow collocated with low (high) perturbation geopotential height. The waves spiral cyclonically inward with maximum amplitudes near the radius of maximum wind (RMW) in the horizontal and tilt radially outward with height. The upward motion of the waves leads cyclonic vorticity in both azimuthal and radial directions by about one-quarter wavelength, implying that convective heating, which is coupled with low-level convergence and upward motion, is the driving force for the vortex Rossby waves. A PV budget shows that diabatic heating contributes greatly to both the azimuthal mean PV and perturbation PV budgets. The PV tendency associated with diabatic heating is largely balanced by the advective (both horizontal and vertical) flux divergence of the symmetric PV, respectively, due to the asymmetric flow (vortex beta term, similar to the planetary beta term in the large-scale vorticity equation) for the vortex Rossby waves, and due to the symmetric flow for the symmetric cyclone. The vortex Rossby waves transport cyclonic PV from the eyewall to the eye, thus mixing the PV between the eyewall and the eye and spinning up the tangential wind in the eye at the expense of weakening the tangential wind near the RMW. Moreover, the PV tendency due to nonlinear processes associated with the wavenumber-1 vortex Rossby waves is a significant PV source for the wavenumber-2 vortex Rossby waves, indicating a strong wave-wave interaction in the eyewall. An eddy kinetic energy budget indicates that within the RMW, the vortex Rossby waves receive their kinetic energy from the azimuthal mean cyclone through baroclinic conversion and flux divergence of eddy kinetic energy due to the azimuthal mean vortex. Under the eyewall and just outside the RMW in the mid-lower troposphere, the main source for eddy kinetic energy is the eddy potential energy conversion, which is related to the asymmetric diabatic heating associated with moist convection in the eyewall. An interesting finding is that, in both the barotropic and baroclinic conversions, terms related to the radial flow of the azimuthal mean vortex are dominant and contribute to the kinetic energy of the vortex Rossby waves. The horizontal shear of the azimuthal flow of the mean vortex damps eddy kinetic energy, stabilizing the vortex Rossby waves in the mid-lower troposphere. However, both barotropic and baroclinic conversions related to the tangential flow of the azimuthal mean vortex, together with the eddy potential energy conversion, are responsible for [References: 59]
机译:本研究分析了一个数值模拟的热带气旋内芯的不对称结构。发现模拟的热带气旋在内核中高度不对称。在对流层中低层,核心的不对称性主要由方位波1号和波2号涡旋Rossby波组成。这些波逆着眼墙周围的方位平均气旋切向流向上风向传播,因此比包裹随气旋平均切向流绕圆周移动的周期长得多(气旋旋转周期为2倍)。它们还逆着方位平均旋风的边界层入流向外传播。仅在距旋风中心约60 km的半径内可见波。超过此距离,方位角平均气旋的潜在涡度(PV)的径向梯度太弱,无法支持涡旋Rossby波。尽管发散运动仍然很强,但涡旋Rossby波的地势高度和风场是准平衡的,汇合的气旋(发散反气旋)流与低(高)扰动地势高度并置。这些波在水平方向上以最大幅度接近最大风(RMW)的半径旋回内旋,并随高度径向向外倾斜。波浪的向上运动导致气旋在方位角和径向方向上的涡流都增加了大约四分之一波长,这意味着对流加热与低水平的收敛性和向上运动相结合,是涡旋罗斯比波的驱动力。 PV预算显示,绝热加热对方位平均PV和扰动PV预算都有很大贡献。由于非对称流动(涡旋β项,类似于大规模旋涡中的行星β项),与非绝热加热相关的PV趋势在很大程度上分别由对称PV的对流(水平和垂直)通量发散所平衡。方程)的涡旋Rossby波,以及由于对称旋流的对称流。涡旋罗斯比波将气旋PV从眼壁传输到眼睛,从而使PV在眼壁和眼睛之间混合,并使眼内的切向风旋转,但以削弱RMW附近的切向风为代价。此外,由于与波数为1的涡旋罗斯比波相关的非线性过程而产生的PV趋势是波数为2的涡旋Rossby波的重要PV源,表明眼壁中的波波相互作用较强。涡动能预算表明,在RMW内,涡旋Rossby波通过斜压转换和涡流动能通量发散(由于方位角平均涡流)从方位角平均气旋接收动能。对流层中下部,在眼壁下方和RMW外部,涡动能的主要来源是涡势能转换,这与眼壁潮湿对流相关的非对称绝热加热有关。一个有趣的发现是,在正压和斜压转换中,与方位角平均涡旋的径向流有关的术语都是主要的,并有助于涡旋Rossby波的动能。平均涡流的方位角流的水平剪切衰减了涡动能,稳定了对流层中低层的涡旋罗斯比波。但是,与方位角平均涡流的切向流有关的正压和斜压转换,以及涡旋势能转换,都是造成这种现象的原因[参考文献:59]



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