首页> 外文期刊>Clinical EEG and neuroscience: official journal of the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ENCS) >The Relationship between Parameters of Long-Latency Evoked Potentials in a Multisensory Design

The Relationship between Parameters of Long-Latency Evoked Potentials in a Multisensory Design


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In previous papers, we have shown that parameters of the omitted stimulus potential (OSP), which occurs at the end of a train of sensory stimuli, strongly depend on the modality. A train of stimuli also produces long-latency evoked potentials (LLEP) at the beginning of the train. This study is an extension of the OSP research, and it tested the relationship between parameters (ie, rate of rise, amplitude, and peak latency) of the P2 waves when trains of auditory, visual, or somatosensory stimuli were applied. The dynamics of the first 3 potentials in the train, related to habituation, were also studied. Twenty healthy young college volunteers participated in the study. As in the OSP, the P2 was faster and higher for auditory than for visual or somatosensory stimuli. The first P2 was swifter and higher than the second and the third potentials. The strength of habituation depends on the sensory modality and the parameter used. All these findings support the view that many long-latency brain potentials could share neural mechanisms related to wave generation.
机译:在以前的论文中,我们已经表明,出现在一系列感觉刺激末端的遗漏刺激电位(OSP)的参数强烈取决于模态。一列刺激也会在列车开始时产生长时延诱发电位(LLEP)。这项研究是OSP研究的扩展,它在应用听觉,视觉或体感刺激序列时,测试了P2波的参数(即上升速率,幅度和峰值潜伏期)之间的关系。还研究了火车中与惯性有关的前三个电势的动力学。 20名健康的年轻大学志愿者参加了这项研究。与OSP一样,听觉中的P2高于视觉或体感刺激。第一个P2比第二个和第三个电势更快且更高。习惯强度取决于感觉方式和所用参数。所有这些发现都支持这样一种观点,即许多长时延脑电势可以共享与波产生相关的神经机制。



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