首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Society of Hypertension : >Nocturia in arterial hypertension: A prevalent, underreported, and sometimes underestimated association

Nocturia in arterial hypertension: A prevalent, underreported, and sometimes underestimated association


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Nocturia is a risk factor for morbidity and mortality but is frequently overlooked and underreported by patients and unrecognized by physicians. Epidemiologic studies reported that nocturnal voiding is associated not only with aging and benign prostatic hyperplasia, but also with many other clinical conditions. The majority of epidemiologic studies reported a significant relationship between nocturia and hypertension. However, the cause-and-effect relationship between them has not been established. Some physiopathological changes in hypertension are conducive to result in nocturia. These include the effects of hypertension on glomerular filtration and tubular transport, resetting of the kidney pressure-natriuresis relationship, atrial stretch and release of atrial natriuretic peptide when congestive heart failure complicates hypertension, and peripheral edema. Another link between hypertension and nocturia is obstructive sleep apnea. Furthermore, some evidence supports the relationship between nondipping behavior of blood pressure and an increased prevalence of nocturia. The use of some classes of antihypertensive agents may result in nocturia. The present review aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the epidemiologic evidence and physiopathological links that correlate hypertension and nocturia. Emphasis is placed on the need to take a pro-active attitude to detect and treat this hazardous condition. ? 2013 American Society of Hypertension. All rights reserved.
机译:夜尿症是发病率和死亡率的危险因素,但经常被患者忽视和报道不足,而未被医生认可。流行病学研究报告说,夜间排尿不仅与衰老和良性前列腺增生有关,而且与许多其他临床情况有关。大多数流行病学研究报告夜尿症和高血压之间存在显着关系。但是,它们之间的因果关系尚未建立。高血压的某些生理病理变化有利于导致夜尿症。其中包括高血压对肾小球滤过和肾小管运输的影响,肾脏压力与利尿钠关系的重置,充血性心力衰竭使高血压复杂化时心房利钠肽的释放和舒张以及周围性水肿。高血压和夜尿症之间的另一个联系是阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停。此外,一些证据支持血压的非浸渍行为与夜尿症患病率增加之间的关系。使用某些类型的降压药可能会导致夜尿症。本综述旨在提供与高血压和夜尿症相关的流行病学证据和生理病理学联系的全面评估。强调需要采取积极主动的态度来检测和治疗这种危险状况。 ? 2013美国高血压学会。版权所有。



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