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Severe and refractory hypertension in a young woman


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Refractory hypertension in a young person is an uncommon clinical problem, but one that may be referred to hypertension specialists. Factitious hypertension is fortunately quite rare but should be considered when evaluating patients who are refractory to numerous classes of antihypertensive therapies and have failed to achieve control despite input from multiple providers. A 19-year-old woman was referred to us after failing to achieve blood pressure control by a primary physician and two subspecialists in nephrology and hypertension; she also had numerous emergency department visits for symptomatic and severe hypertension. Exhaustive diagnostic testing for secondary causes and witnessed medication dosing in an outpatient setting was unrevealing. Subsequent inpatient admission demonstrated normalization of BPs with small doses of intravenous antihypertensive agents. During the hospitalization, she was observed "pocketing" her oral medications in the buccal folds and then discarding them in a trash container. Confrontation by psychiatrists and the hypertension specialists led to the admission that she had learned to start and stop beta-blockers and clonidine to induce severe, rebound hypertension. Factitious and induced hypertension is a rare cause of resistant or refractory hypertension. Nevertheless, hypertension specialists should suspect the diagnosis when there is a history of visits to multiple institutions and physicians, negative secondary workup, absence of overt target organ damage, history of psychiatric illness, and employment in the medical field. (C) 2016 American Society of Hypertension. All rights reserved.
机译:年轻人中难治性高血压是一种罕见的临床问题,但可以向高血压专家咨询。幸运的是,原发性高血压非常罕见,但在评估对多种抗高血压治疗均无效且尽管有多个提供者的意见而仍无法控制的患者时应加以考虑。一名主治医师和两名肾脏病和高血压专科医生未能控制血压后,一名19岁妇女被转介给我们。她还因症状严重和重度高血压而急诊就诊。在门诊患者中,对于次要原因的详尽诊断测试和目击者的用药剂量尚未公开。随后的住院患者显示小剂量静脉内降压药可使血压正常。在住院期间,观察到她将口腔药物“塞入”颊颊折痕,然后将其丢弃在垃圾箱中。精神病医生和高血压专家的对抗导致她承认自己学会了启动和停止β受体阻滞剂和可乐定来诱发严重的反弹性高血压。人为和诱发高血压是抵抗性或难治性高血压的罕见原因。但是,当有多家机构和医生的就诊史,二次检查阴性,靶器官没有明显受损,精神病史以及在医疗领域工作时,高血压专家应该怀疑诊断。 (C)2016美国高血压学会。版权所有。



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