首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism >Ultrafast Dynamics in Optimally Doped YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-δ) Observed with White Light Pump-probe Spectroscopy

Ultrafast Dynamics in Optimally Doped YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-δ) Observed with White Light Pump-probe Spectroscopy


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The quasiparticle relaxation dynamics in optimally doped (001) YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-δ) thin films were measured at various temperatures by white light pump-probe technique. The 2D ultrafast spectroscopy with broadband (~200 nm) and high time-resolution (~9 fs) was performed by the non-collinear optical parametric amplifier (NOPA). The relaxation time and the amplitude of the transient transmissivity changes (ΔT/T) are wavelength-dependent. The maximum ΔT/T appears at around 625 nm (~1.98 eV) which corresponds to the transition between the Fermi level and the UHB (upper Hubbard band). Furthermore, the oscillations with ~150, ~320, ~500 cm~(-1) have been clearly observed in the Fourier transformed graph of the 2D ultrafast spectroscopy, which are consistent with the phonon modes in Raman-scattering spectra.
机译:通过白光泵浦探针技术在不同温度下测量了最佳掺杂(001)YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-δ)薄膜的准粒子弛豫动力学。非共线光学参量放大器(NOPA)进行了宽带(〜200 nm)和高时间分辨率(〜9 fs)的二维超快光谱分析。弛豫时间和瞬态透射率变化的幅度(ΔT/ T)与波长有关。最大ΔT/ T出现在625 nm(〜1.98 eV)左右,这对应于费米能级和UHB(哈伯德上部频带)之间的跃迁。此外,在二维超快光谱的傅立叶变换图中清楚地观察到了〜150,〜320,〜500 cm〜(-1)的振荡,这与拉曼散射光谱中的声子模态一致。



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