
Magnetoencephalography and magnetic source imaging in epilepsy.


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Magnetoencephalograpy (MEG) and Electroencephalography (EEG) provide physicians with complementary data and should not be regarded as mutually exclusive evaluative methods of cerebral activity. Relevant to this edition, MEG applications related to the surgical treatment of epilepsy will be discussed exclusively. Combined MEG/EEG data collection and analysis should be a routine diagnostic practice for patients who are still suffering seizures due to the failure of drug therapy. Clinicians in the field of epilepsy agree that a greater number of patients would benefit from surgery than are currently referred for pre-surgical evaluation. Regardless of age or presumed epilepsy syndrome, all patients deserve the possibility of living seizure-free through surgery. Technological advances in superconducting elements as well as the digital revolution were necessary for the development of MEG into a clinically valuable diagnostic tool. Compared to the examination of electrical activity of the brain, investigation into its magnetic concomitant is a more recent development. In MEG, cerebral magnetic activity is recorded using magnetometer or gradiometer whole-head systems. MEG spikes usually have a shorter duration and a steeper ascending slope than EEG spikes, and variable phase relationships to EEG. When co-registered spikes are compared, it is apparent that EEG and MEG spikes differ. There is agreement among investigators that more interictal epileptiform spikes are seen in MEG than EEG. When MEG is co-registered with invasive intracranial EEG data, the detection rate of interictal epileptiform discharges depends on the number of electrocorticographic channels that record a spike. When patients have a non-localizing video-EEG recording, MEG pinpoints the resected area in 58-72% of the cases.
机译:磁脑电疗法(MEG)和脑电图(EEG)为医师提供了补充数据,不应被视为相互排斥的评估大脑活动的方法。与此版本有关,将专门讨论与癫痫外科治疗有关的MEG应用。对于因药物治疗失败而仍患有癫痫发作的患者,MEG / EEG数据的综合收集和分析应成为常规诊断方法。癫痫领域的临床医生一致认为,与目前术前评估相比,更多的患者将从手术中受益。无论年龄多大或是否患有癫痫综合症,所有患者均应通过手术免于癫痫发作。超导元件的技术进步以及数字革命对于将MEG发展为具有临床价值的诊断工具是必不可少的。与检查大脑的电活动相比,对其磁性伴随的研究是最近的发展。在MEG中,使用磁力计或梯度计全头系统记录脑磁活动。与EEG尖峰相比,MEG尖峰通常持续时间短且上升斜率更陡,并且与EEG的相位关系可变。当比较共同登记的峰值时,很明显,EEG和MEG峰值不同。研究人员一致认为,MEG中见到的发作间期癫痫样高峰比EEG多。当MEG与侵入性颅内EEG数据共同注册时,发作间期癫痫样放电的检出率取决于记录峰值的脑电图通道数。当患者进行非本地化的EEG视频记录时,MEG会在58-72%的病例中指出切除区域。



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