首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science >A Method for Breeding New Cultivars of Machine-harvested Raspberries with High Yield

A Method for Breeding New Cultivars of Machine-harvested Raspberries with High Yield


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The Pacific northwestern (PNW) region of the United States is well known for production of machine-harvested red raspberries (Rubus idaeus) for process markets. The cultivar Meeker, developed in the 1960s, is well suited to this area and for machine-harvesting, but it is susceptible to raspberry bushy dwarf virus and root rot caused by Phytophthora rubi. Despite the efforts of several breeding programs, ‘Meeker’ is still the predominant cultivar for commercial production in the PNW. One of the major difficulties with breeding new berry fruit cultivars is the time-consuming nature of collecting fruit yield and quality data on large seedling populations. For fruit yield, visual scoring assessment methods are commonly used for seedling populations, but these may be poor predictors of yield. Consequently, visual scores for yield can result in less genetic improvement and thus can adversely affect successful cultivar development. Total yield measured by hand-harvesting is labor-intensive and does not assess machine-harvestability, but machine-harvesting is not practical to measure on individual plants. In this study we set out to see if we could bulk machine-harvest full-sib family plots for among-family selection and use yield component data on individuals within the plots for within-family selection. Using best linear unbiased predictors, we estimated machine-harvest yield breeding values for our individual seedlings and found higher genetic gain per generation using estimated individual machine-harvest breeding values (7.6%) than using hand-harvested breeding values (6.5%). Implications for breeding machine-harvest red raspberries are discussed.
机译:美国的西北太平洋(PNW)地区以加工市场上的机械收获红树莓(Rubus idaeus)生产而闻名。 Meeker品种于1960年代开发,非常适合该地区和机器收获,但它易受覆盆子矮化病毒和红腐疫霉菌引起的根腐病的影响。尽管几个育种计划做出了努力,“ Meeker”仍然是西北太平洋地区商业化生产的主要品种。培育新浆果果实品种的主要困难之一是收集大量幼苗种群的果实产量和质量数据的耗时特性。对于水果产量,视觉评分评估方法通常用于幼苗种群,但是这些可能无法预测产量。因此,产量的视觉评分可能导致较少的遗传改良,从而可能不利地影响成功的品种开发。通过手工收获测量的总产量是劳动密集型的,并且不评估机器的收获能力,但是在单个工厂上测量机器收获是不实际的。在这项研究中,我们着手研究是否可以批量收获整机同胞家庭地块,以进行家庭间选择,并使用该地块内个体的收益分量数据进行家庭内选择。使用最佳线性无偏预测器,我们估计了单个幼苗的机收获产量育种值,并且发现使用估测的单独机收获育种值(7.6%)比使用人工收获的育种值(6.5%)更高的每代遗传增益。讨论了育种机器收获红树莓的意义。



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