首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Sustainable Forestry >Influences of Thinning and Prescribed Fire on Water Relations of Jeffrey Pine I. Xylem and Soil Water Potentials

Influences of Thinning and Prescribed Fire on Water Relations of Jeffrey Pine I. Xylem and Soil Water Potentials


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Forest thinning accomplished with cut-to-length and whole-tree harvesting systems, and prescribed underburning were assessed for their impacts on water relations in eastern Sierra Nevada Jeffrey pine (Pinus Jeffreyi Grev. & Balf.) during a period of extended drought. Predawn and midday measurements of xylem water potential in dominant and codominant crown class trees more than a century old were made on six days spread over three growing seasons, accompanied by measurements of soil water potential completed between the predawn and midday sessions of each day. With the exception of a single predawn session, the only one of a total of 12 in which xylem water potentials did not differ among treatments, the potentials in trees of thinned stand subunitswere 0.67 MPa higher on average during predawn sessions and 0.71 MPa higher during midday sessions than those in trees of the unthinned treatment. Differences between the cut-to-length and whole-tree treatments were marginal and uncommon, but when they occurred, potentials were higher in the former. Prescribed fire effects on xylem water potential were also uncommon, but when occurring generally indicated lower stress levels in the burned than in the unburned treatment. Soil water potentials largely coincided with those of xylem water, with higher potentials in either the cut-to-length or whole-tree treatments, and usually both, than in the unthinned treatment on each of the six days of measurement. Underburning influences on soil water were rare, butwhen evident, potentials were higher in the burned than in the unburned treatment by substantial margins. For a majority of the measurement sessions, xylem water potential was found to be negatively correlated with residual basal area but positively correlated with soil water potential. In turn, coarse fragments and organic matter in the soil profile intermittently influenced soil water potential, with the former a negative factor while the latter was positive. Overall, results of this study suggest that substantial ecophysio-logical advantages can be derived from density management in older, dry site forests, which at minimum are not compromised by subsequent implementation of controlled underburning.
机译:在持续干旱期间,评估了内华达山脉东部杰弗里松(Pinus Jeffreyi Grev。&Balf。)东部森林砍伐的影响,这些砍伐是通过定长和整树的采伐系统完成的,并规定了焚烧不足。在三个生长季节的六天内,对占地超过一百年的优势树种和优势树种的木质部水势进行了黎明前和中午的测量,并在每天的黎明前和中午之间完成了土壤水势的测量。除单个黎明前时段外,在所有处理之间木质部水势没有差异的总共12个中,只有一个稀疏林分亚基的树势在黎明前时段平均高0.67 MPa,在午间时平均高0.71 MPa。疗程比未稀释的树木疗程要多。定尺剪裁和整树处理之间的差异很小且不常见,但是当它们发生时,前者的潜力更高。规定的火对木质部水势的影响也是罕见的,但一般情况下表明燃烧后的应力水平低于未燃烧处理的应力水平。在测量的六天中的每一天,定长处理或整树处理中的土壤水势与木质部水的势均较大,并且通常两者都比未稀疏处理中的更高。欠燃对土壤水的影响很少见,但显而易见的是,经焚烧的潜力要比未焚烧的潜力高得多。在大多数测量过程中,木质部水势与残留基础面积呈负相关,但与土壤水势呈正相关。反过来,土壤剖面中的粗碎屑和有机物会间歇性地影响土壤水势,前者是负面因素,而后者是正面因素。总体而言,这项研究的结果表明,在较老的干旱地区森林中进行密度管理可带来实质性的生理生态优势,而这些优势至少不会因随后实施可控的欠燃而受到损害。



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