首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science >Heritability and genetic variance estimates for leaf and stem resistanceto gummy stem blight in two cucumber populations

Heritability and genetic variance estimates for leaf and stem resistanceto gummy stem blight in two cucumber populations


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Heritability of resistance to gummy stem blight (Didymella bryoniae (Auersw.) Rehm.) was measured in two diverse cucumber (Cucumis sativus L,) populations [North Carolina elite slicer 1 (NCES1) and North Carolina wide base pickle (NCWBP)]. Heritability was estimated using parent-offspring regression and half-sib family analysis in North Carolina field tests during 1991 and 1992, NCES1 is a slicing cucumber population with a narrow genetic base, and NCWBP is a pickling cucumber population with a wide genetic base, Heritability estimates were low to moderate ranging from 0.12 to 0.49 for the gummy stem blight leaf rating and from -0.03 to 0.12 for stem rating. Estimates of gain from selection were at least two times larger for selection based on half-sib families than for mass selection for all traits in both populations. Approximately three to five cycles of selection would be required to improve the NCES1 population mean for gummy stem blight leaf resistance by one rating scale unit, and three to four cycles of selection would he required to improve the NCWBP population mean for gumma stem blight leaf resistance hy one rating scale unit, based on half-sib family selection. One rating scale unit decrease is equivalent to an 11 % reduction in susceptibility. Cain would be slower if selecting for stem, or leaf and stem resistance. A moderate amount of additive genetic variation exists in both populations for gummy stem blight leaf resistance, but estimates for additive genetic variation for stem resistance indicate little to no additive genetic variation. Development of populations specifically for greater initial resistance and greater additive variance than found in these populations should aid in selection for resistance.
机译:在两个不同的黄瓜种群(Cucumis sativus L。)[北卡罗莱纳州优质切片机1(NCES1)和北卡罗莱纳州宽基腌菜(NCWBP)]中测量了对树胶枯萎病(Didymella bryoniae(Auersw。)Rehm。)的抗性遗传力。遗传力是通过1991年至1992年在北卡罗来纳州的田间试验中使用亲子后代回归和半同胞族分析来估计的,NCES1是具有较窄遗传基础的切片黄瓜种群,NCWBP是具有较宽遗传基础的腌制黄瓜种群估计的低至中度,胶质茎枯病叶片等级为0.12至0.49,茎等级为-0.03至0.12。对于两个同族中的所有性状,基于半同胞家庭进行选择所获得的选择收益至少要大两倍。大约需要三到五个选择周期,以将胶质茎枯病叶片抗性的NCES1群体平均值提高一个等级量表单位,他将需要选择三到四个周期,以改善胶质茎枯病叶抗性的NCWBP群体平均值基于半同胞家庭选择,选择一个等级量表单位。等级量表单位减少一个等于磁化率降低11%。如果选择茎或叶和茎抗性,该隐会变慢。两个种群的胶粘枯萎病叶片抗性均存在适度的加性遗传变异,但是对茎抗性的加性遗传变异的估计表明几乎没有或没有加性遗传变异。与这些种群相比,专门开发种群以获得更大的初始抗性和更大的加性方差应该有助于选择抗性。



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