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The effect of glutamine on A549 cells exposed to moderate hyperoxia


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The use of high oxygen concentrations is frequently necessary in the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). High oxygen concentrations, however, are detrimental to cell growth and cell survival. Glutamine (Gln) may be protective to cells during periods of stress and recently has been shown to increase survival in A549 cells exposed to lethal concentrations of oxygen (95% O_2). We found that supplemental Gln enhances cell growth in A549 cells exposed to moderate concentrations of oxygen (60% O_2). We therefore evaluated the effect of moderate hyperoxia on the cell cycle distribution of A549 cells. At 48 h there was no significant difference in the cell cycle distribution between 2 mM Gln cells in 60% O_2 and 2 mM cells in room air. Furthermore, 2 mM Gln cells in 60% O_2 had stable protein levels of cyclin B1 consistent with ongoing cell proliferation. In contrast, at 48 h, cells not supplemented with glutamine (Gln-) in 60% O2 had evidence of growth arrest by both flow cytometry (increased percentage of G1 cells) and by decreased protein levels of cyclin B1. G1 growth arrest in the Gln~- cells exposed to 60% O_2 was not, however, associated with induction of p21 protein. At 72 and 96 h, Gln~- cells in 60% O_2, began to demonstrate a partial loss of G1 checkpoint regulation and an increase in apoptosis, indicating an increased sensitivity to oxygen toxicity. Glutathione (GSH) concentrations were then measured. 2 mM Gln cells in 60% O_2 were found to have higher concentrations of GSH compared to Gln~- cells in 60% O_2, suggesting that Gln confers protection to the cell during exposure to hyperoxia through up-regulation of GSH. When cells in 60% O_2 were given higher concentrations of Gln (5 and 10 mM), cell growth at 96 h was increased compared to cells grown in 2 mM Gln (P<0.04). Clonal survival was also increased in cells exposed 60% O_2 and supplemented with higher concentrations of Gln compared to Gln- cells in 60% O_2. These studies suggest that supplemental glutamine may improve cell growth and cell viability and therefore may be beneficial to the lung during exposure to moderate concentrations of supplemental oxygen.
机译:在治疗急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)和支气管肺发育不良(BPD)时,经常需要使用高浓度的氧气。然而,高氧浓度对细胞生长和细胞存活有害。谷氨酰胺(Gln)可能在应激期间对细胞具有保护作用,最近已显示出可暴露于致死浓度的氧气(95%O_2)的A549细胞提高存活率。我们发现补充Gln可以增强暴露于中等浓度氧气(60%O_2)的A549细胞的细胞生长。因此,我们评估了中度高氧对A549细胞的细胞周期分布的影响。在第48小时,在60%O_2中的2 mM Gln细胞与室内空气中的2 mM细胞之间,细胞周期分布没有显着差异。此外,在60%O_2中的2 mM Gln细胞具有稳定的细胞周期蛋白B1蛋白水平,与正在进行的细胞增殖一致。相比之下,在48小时时,流式细胞术(G1细胞百分比增加)和细胞周期蛋白B1蛋白质水平降低都表明没有在60%O2中补充谷氨酰胺(Gln-)的细胞具有生长停滞的迹象。然而,暴露于60%O_2的Gln〜-细胞中的G1生长停滞与p21蛋白的诱导无关。在72和96小时,含60%O_2的Gln〜-细胞开始表现出G1检查点调节的部分丧失和细胞凋亡的增加,表明对氧中毒的敏感性增加。然后测量谷胱甘肽(GSH)浓度。与60%O_2中的Gln--细胞相比,发现60%O_2中的2 mM Gln细胞具有更高的GSH浓度,这表明Gln在高氧暴露下通过上调GSH赋予细胞保护作用。当在60%O_2中的细胞被给予更高浓度的Gln(5和10 mM)时,与在2 mM Gln中生长的细胞相比,在96小时的细胞生长增加了(P <0.04)。与60%O_2中的Gln细胞相比,暴露60%O_2并补充了更高浓度的Gln的细胞的克隆存活率也有所提高。这些研究表明,补充谷氨酰胺可以改善细胞生长和细胞活力,因此在暴露于中等浓度的补充氧期间可能对肺有益。



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