首页> 外文期刊>Journal of robotic surgery >Progressive reduction in abdominal hysterectomy rates: Impact of laparoscopy, robotics and surgeon factors

Progressive reduction in abdominal hysterectomy rates: Impact of laparoscopy, robotics and surgeon factors


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The objective of this study is to describe changes in rates of types of hysterectomy at a tertiary care community teaching hospital since the introduction of laparoscopic and robotic techniques and to determine the effect of surgeon characteristics on route of hysterectomy. This is a retrospective analysis of types of hysterectomies performed for benign disease during five different years (1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009) at a large community teaching hospital. Hospital discharge data was reviewed to identify all hysterectomies performed during the first six months of each year of the study. Hospital charts were reviewed and patient characteristics, indication for surgery, type of hysterectomy and surgeon characteristics were recorded. Hysterectomies performed for malignancy, suspected malignancy, or postpartum hemorrhage were excluded. Types of hysterectomies included abdominal (AH), vaginal (VH), laparoscopic-assisted vaginal (LAVH), total laparoscopic (TLH), laparoscopic supracervical (LSH) and robotic-assisted (RH). The progressive introduction of newer minimally invasive surgical techniques (LAVH, TLH, LSH, and RH) resulted in an overall reduction in the abdominal hysterectomy rate from 77 to 35.2 % during the time of the study. The majority of abdominal, laparoscopic supracervical and robotic hysterectomies were performed by generalists, while the majority of vaginal, laparoscopic-assisted vaginal and total laparoscopic hysterectomies were performed by fellowship trained subspecialists. Minimally invasive hysterectomy techniques significantly reduced the rate of abdominal hysterectomies. The LSH and RH were the techniques utilized by generalists as their most preferred minimally invasive surgical approaches to hysterectomy.
机译:这项研究的目的是描述自引入腹腔镜和机器人技术以来三级护理社区教学医院子宫切除术类型的变化率,并确定外科医生特征对子宫切除术途径的影响。这是对一家大型社区教学医院在五个不同年份(1989、1994、1999、2004、2009)针对良性疾病进行的子宫切除术类型的回顾性分析。回顾了医院出院数据,以确定在每年研究的前六个月中进行的所有子宫切除术。回顾了医院的病历,并记录了患者的特征,手术适应症,子宫切除术的类型和外科医生的特征。排除因恶性,疑似恶性或产后出血而进行的子宫切除术。子宫切除术的类型包括腹腔(AH),阴道(VH),腹腔镜辅助阴道(LAVH),全腹腔镜(TLH),腹腔镜腹腔镜(LSH)和机器人辅助(RH)。在研究期间,逐渐引入新的微创手术技术(LAVH,TLH,LSH和RH)导致腹部子宫切除术的总体比例从77%降低到35.2%。腹腔镜,腹腔镜上子宫切除术和机器人子宫切除术大部分是由通才医师完成的,而大部分阴道,腹腔镜辅助阴道和全腹腔镜子宫切除术是由与会专家培训的专科医生进行的。微创子宫切除术显着降低了腹部子宫切除术的发生率。 LSH和RH是通才用作子宫切除术的最优选的微创外科手术方法。



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