首页> 外文期刊>Clinical EEG and neuroscience: official journal of the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ENCS) >Neural correlates of error monitoring in an adult with Klinefelter's syndrome: a case report.

Neural correlates of error monitoring in an adult with Klinefelter's syndrome: a case report.


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Studies have indicated that individuals with Klinefelter's syndrome (KS) exhibit deficits in executive functions. However, little attention has been paid to investigate control mechanism of executive functions, i.e., error monitoring, in individuals with KS. Two event-related potential (ERP) components, i.e., error-related negativity (Ne/ERN) and error positivity (Pe), are the electrophysiological markers of error monitoring. This case report presents the findings of error monitoring from an adult with KS using the electrophysiological technique. This KS individual displayed small ERN and Pe amplitudes, suggesting that he may exhibit deficient error detection and reaction, a lack of conscious error recognition, and nonproficient adjustment after an error. The findings of this report should stimulate further study in error monitoring in individuals with KS.
机译:研究表明,患有克氏综合征的人表现出执行功能缺陷。然而,很少有人去研究具有KS的人的执行功能的控制机制,即错误监视。两个与事件相关的电位(ERP)组件,即与错误相关的阴性(Ne / ERN)和与错误阳性相关的(Pe),是错误监视的电生理指标。该病例报告介绍了使用电生理技术对成年人进行KS错误监测的结果。这位KS个体显示出较小的ERN和Pe振幅,表明他可能表现出不足的错误检测和反应,缺乏有意识的错误识别以及错误后的调整不充分。该报告的发现应激发对KS患者错误监测的进一步研究。



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