首页> 外文期刊>Clinical EEG and neuroscience: official journal of the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ENCS) >Dental hardware complicating diagnosis in refractory gelastic epilepsy secondary to hypothalamic hamartoma.

Dental hardware complicating diagnosis in refractory gelastic epilepsy secondary to hypothalamic hamartoma.


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Hypothalamic hamartomas (HH) are developmental malformations of the hypothalamus associated with a potentially treatable epileptic encephalopathy, characterized by early onset gelastic seizures, the later development of multiple seizure types and progressive cognitive and behavioral decline. Surgical treatment of HH can lead to seizure control and improvement in the cognitive-behavioral syndrome. Video-EEG telemetry (VET) is often necessary to characterize the semiology of the seizures, but there are no specific interictal or ictal EEG pattems that will confirm the diagnosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can identify HH and define their anatomy, but the imaging findings may be subtle and susceptible to artifactual contamination. We present a patient with intractable gelastic epilepsy in whom the diagnosis of HH was initially missed due to failure to recognize the clinical syndrome and contamination of the MRI images with dental hardware artifact. VET confirmed the clinical diagnosis and the HH was identified on MRI after the dental hardware was removed. VET should be performed to confirm seizure semiology in patients with suspected gelastic epilepsy. Establishing this diagnosis can subsequently direct the appropriate neuroradiological evaluation for HH and surgical treatment of these lesions.
机译:下丘脑错构瘤(HH)是下丘脑的发育畸形,与潜在的可治愈的癫痫性脑病有关,其特征是早发性全态性癫痫发作,后来发展为多种癫痫发作类型以及进行性认知和行为下降。 HH的外科手术治疗可控制癫痫发作并改善认知行为综合症。通常,必须使用视频脑电遥测(VET)来表征癫痫发作的符号学特征,但尚无明确的发作间期或发作期脑电图模式可以确定诊断。磁共振成像(MRI)可以识别HH并定义其解剖结构,但是成像发现可能很微妙,容易受到人为污染。我们介绍了一位患有顽固性全能性癫痫的患者,由于未能认识到临床综合征和MRI图像被牙科硬件伪影污染,最初未能诊断HH。 VET确认了临床诊断,并在去除了牙齿硬体后在MRI上确定了HH。应进行VET检查以确认可疑的全能性癫痫患者的癫痫发作学。建立此诊断可以随后指导对HH和这些病变进行手术治疗的适当神经放射学评估。



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