首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops >Effect of irrigation and crop geometry on growth, yield, quality and profitability of transplanted fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.).

Effect of irrigation and crop geometry on growth, yield, quality and profitability of transplanted fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.).

机译:灌溉和作物几何形状对移植茴香(Foeniculum vulgare Mill。)的生长,产量,质量和利润的影响。

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Field experiments were conducted in two adjoining farmer's field in a tribal area of district Sirohi (Rajasthan) during two successive seasons from July to March, 2011 and 2012 to study the impact of varied crop geometry and irrigation methods on production, quality and profitability of fennel. The trench method of irrigation exhibited significantly higher plant height, number of branches, number of roots plant-1, root length, fresh weight of shoot and roots plant-1, maximum number of umbels plant-1, umbellate umbel-1, number of seed umbel-1, highest seed yield (26.52 q ha-1) with maximum gross return (Rs. 305,714.15), net return (Rs. 266,314.15) and benefit:cost ratio (6.75). Comparatively less time (26.25 h) was required for one hectare irrigation in the same treatment in both the years. The crop planted in paired row (210 cm/120 cm x 25 cm) significantly influenced crop growth, yield and profitability of fennel. In this treatment, highest plant height, number of branches plant-1, number of roots plant-1, root length, fresh weight of shoot and root, maximum number of umbel plant-1, umbellate umbel-1, number of seed umbel-1, highest seed yield (28.55 q ha-1) with maximum gross return (Rs. 336,940.80), net return (Rs. 294,670.80) and benefit:cost ratio (6.97) was observed in both the years. Lower growth, yield and profitability were found in border strip method of irrigation and single row (90 cm x 45 cm) method of planting.
机译:在2011年7月至2011年3月的两个连续季节中,在Sirohi(拉贾斯坦邦)地区一个部落地区的两个相邻农民田间进行了田间试验,研究了不同作物几何形状和灌溉方式对茴香产量,质量和利润的影响。沟灌法显示出较高的株高,枝条数,根系植物 -1 ,根长,枝条鲜重和根系植物 -1 的最大值。伞形植物 -1 的数量,伞形伞形umbel -1 ,种子伞形的数量 -1 ,最高的种子产量(26.52 q ha -1 ),并获得最高总收益(305,714.15卢比),净收益(266,314.15卢比)和收益:成本比(6.75)。在这两年中,在相同的处理方式下,一公顷灌溉所需的时间相对较少(26.25小时)。成对种植的农作物(210厘米/ 120厘米x 25厘米)显着影响了茴香的作物生长,产量和获利能力。在该处理中,最高植株高度,分支植物 -1 的数量,根系植物 -1 的数量,根长,枝和根的鲜重,最大伞形数植物 -1 ,伞形伞形的umbel -1 ,种子伞形的数量umbel -1 ,最高的种子产量(28.55 q ha -1 < / sup>),在这两个年度中均观察到最大总收益(336,940.80卢比),净收益(294,670.80卢比)和收益:成本比(6.97)。边界条带灌溉法和单行(90 cm x 45 cm)种植法发现生长,产量和利润较低。



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