首页> 外文期刊>Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery >The effect of glenoid inclination on superior humeral head migration.

The effect of glenoid inclination on superior humeral head migration.


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Superior humeral head migration may contribute to the development of rotator cuff disease. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that superior inclination of the glenoid facilitates superior humeral head migration. Eight cadaveric shoulders were tested by use of a custom test fixture, and rotator cuff forces were applied. Glenoid inclination was varied (intact, +5 degrees, +10 degrees, and +15 degrees ), and the force required to produce superior humeral head migration was measured. Each increase in glenoid inclination (more superiorly facing glenoid) produced significant reduction in the force required for superior humeral head migration (5 degrees, 14.2% reduction; 10 degrees, 29.9% reduction; and 15 degrees, 37.5% reduction; P <.001). These findings demonstrate that glenoid inclination is an important factor in determining the force required for superior humeral head migration. This suggests that a more upward-facing glenoid increases the risk for superior humeral translation and, in turn, may play a role in the development of rotator cuff disease.
机译:肱骨头的上移可能导致肩袖疾病的发展。这项研究的目的是检验以下假设,即关节盂的倾斜度高有助于肱骨头的上移。使用定制测试夹具测试了八个尸体肩膀,并施加了肩袖力。关节盂倾斜度变化(完整,+ 5度,+ 10度和+15度),并测量了产生优越的肱骨头移位所需的力。关节盂倾斜度的每一次增加(面向关节盂的上半部)都会显着降低肱骨头上移所需的力(5度,降低14.2%; 10度,降低29.9%; 15度,降低37.5%; P <.001 )。这些发现表明,盂盂倾角是确定肱骨头上移所需的力的重要因素。这表明面朝上的盂盂增加了肱骨上平移的风险,进而可能在肩袖疾病的发展中起作用。



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