首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Shellfish Research >Seed production and growth of Modiolus capax conrad (Bivalvia : Mytilidae) in laboratory conditions

Seed production and growth of Modiolus capax conrad (Bivalvia : Mytilidae) in laboratory conditions


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The complete ontogeny and postlarval growth of Modiolus capax are described for the first time. Spawning was easily achieved by a gradual increase in water temperature (1 degrees C/h) from 26 degrees C to 31-32 degrees C after exposing the breeders to air for 6 h. The veliger stage (103 +/- 8 mu m) was reached 23-24 h after fertilization and the low umbo stage (165 +/- 9 mu m) on the fifth day of culture; growth thereafter was temperature-dependent. At 28.5 +/- 0.5 degrees C, competent pediveligers (275 mu m) were first observed on the tenth day of culture and on the twelfth day at 26.5 +/- 0.5 degrees C, but survival was twice (42%) that obtained at 28.5 degrees C. Most larvae settled between 290 and 310 mu m; metamorphosis took 3-4 days. For settlement, several suspended artificial substrata were tested; ropes of twisted anchovy fishing nets captured the larger percentage. However, the use of a downwelling system was the most efficient strategy for the settlement of M. capax over artificial substratum. After metamorphosis, the shell hinge slowly moved toward a more posterior position, and at 440 mu m the disconch had adventitious serrated hairs. Seed growth was exponential and temperature-dependent. At 28.0 +/- 0.5 degrees C, growth ranged from 26-127 mu m day(-1), and from 24-63 mu m day(-1) at 24.8 +/- 1.7 degrees C. In both cases, survivorship from pediveliger to seed was approximately 80%.
机译:首次描述了矢车菊的完整个体发育和幼虫后生长。在将种鸽暴露于空气6小时后,将水温从1摄氏度/小时从26摄氏度逐渐升高到31-32摄氏度,很容易实现产卵。受精后第23-24小时达到veliger阶段(103 +/- 8μm),在培养的第5天达到低umbo阶段(165 +/- 9μm);此后的生长是温度依赖性的。在28.5 +/- 0.5摄氏度下,首先在培养的第10天和第12天在26.5 +/- 0.5摄氏度下观察到合格的定性动物(275μm),但存活率是在26.5 +/- 0.5摄氏度下的两倍。 28.5摄氏度。大多数幼虫定居在290至310微米之间。变态花了3-4天。为了沉降,对几个悬浮的人造基质进行了测试。扭曲的fishing鱼渔网绳占了较大比例。但是,使用下水道系统是解决人为分支杆菌在人工基质上沉降的最有效策略。变态后,壳铰链逐渐向后移动,并且在440微米处,断齿处有不定锯齿状的毛发。种子的生长是指数增长的,并且与温度有关。在28.0 +/- 0.5摄氏度下,生长范围为26-127微米每天(-1),在24.8%1.7摄氏度下介于24-63微米每天(-1)。在两种情况下, pedigliger播种的比例约为80%。



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