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Genomics on the half-shell


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Sequencing of the human genome unveiled Life's working definition of Homo sapiens, making it tangible and discrete. Genomic tools and sequencing similarly transformed research in the models systems of development, medicine, and disease and in the process ignited the field of comparative genomics, a self-declared revolution that is now roiling its way across the Tree of Life. In the current third wave of genomics, the focus has been brought to bear on species that are of either phylogenetic or commercial and industrial importance, including model species in alternative energy, agriculture, and aquaculture. Though the revolution might not be televised, aquaculture genomics in bivalves will transform aqua-culture and our understanding of its commercially important species, including the oyster Crassostrea gigas. As molluscs, bivalves are protostome lophotrochozoans and no fewer then six lophotrochozoan genomes are currently being sequenced. Our own favorite is the gastropod limpet Lottia gigantea. Numerous lophotrochozoan and molluscan genomic projects, including ESTs in C. gigas, have also been initiated, opening the door to their future genomic sequencing. Here, we review potential application of genomics to the field of aquaculture and how current cellular, biochemical, and ecological techniques can be expanded and integrated with genome-empowered approaches. We then focus on our current research in comparative genomics, looking at developmental patterning of the body plan, shell biomineralization, and metamorphosis in L. gigantea and C. gigas. Finally, we consider the environmental, economic, and cultural benefits and dangers of genetically modified organisms in aquaculture, a contentious issue that will inevitable be a focus in genomic aquaculture.
机译:人类基因组测序揭示了Life对智人的工作定义,使其有形且离散。基因组学工具和测序方法类似地改变了开发,医学和疾病模型系统中的研究,并在此过程中点燃了比较基因组学领域,这是一场自我宣告的革命,如今正横扫生命之树。在当前的第三波基因组学浪潮中,重点已放在具有系统发生或商业和工业重要性的物种上,包括替代能源,农业和水产养殖中的模型物种。尽管革命可能不会进行电视转播,但双壳类的水产养殖基因组学将改变水产养殖以及我们对其商业上重要物种的理解,包括牡蛎Crassostrea gigas。作为软体动物,双壳类动物是原生光子虫的原虫,目前正在测序不少于六个的光子虫基因组。我们自己的最爱是腹足纲帽贝Lottia gigantea。也已经启动了许多次光子虫和软体动物基因组计划,包括在C. gigas中的ESTs,为它们未来的基因组测序打开了方便之门。在这里,我们回顾了基因组学在水产养殖领域的潜在应用,以及如何可以扩展当前的细胞,生化和生态技术并将其与基因组授权方法整合。然后,我们专注于当前在比较基因组学方面的研究,着眼于人体计划的发育模式,壳生物矿化以及巨蜥和巨蜥的变态。最后,我们考虑了水产养殖中转基因生物在环境,经济和文化上的利益和危害,这是一个有争议的问题,将不可避免地成为基因组水产养殖的重点。



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